U.S. Troop Suicides Exceed War Deaths

By: Victoria Manuel From video at the bottom: "In 2010, 468 US troops committed suicide which surpassed the 462 US troops that were killed in combat that year. The number of troops committing suicide has been on the rise and many blame it on soldiers feeling detached from reality.…

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‘The Way Back’ – Movie Review

By: Stephanie Pulsck The Way Back is a surprisingly good film. It debuted back in 2010, it stars relatively unknown performers (other than Colin Farrell) along with relatively unknown crew, though some might know director Peter Weir's most famous works, Dead Poet Society and The Truman Show, among others.…

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Happy Holiday Party

Here's a fantastically unique idea being supported by Kevin O'Neil @ Wipeout Homophobia on Facebook Since our last report, WHOF's following base has soared to over 270,00 fans following and supporting their mission of empowerment and 'to make everyone equal, because equal rights aren't equal until everyone has them!'…

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Vixen Vodka

By: James Buntil What do you get when you mix three Southern ladies, entrepreneurial spirit, and vodka? Answer: Vixen Vodka. Conceived out of North Fulton, GA, Vixen Vodka is sure to become a competitive company within the vodka industry for the sheer fact that it is the only vodka…

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Don’t Rot Your Brain!

By OcJim We have had the familiar panel-type talk shows for decades, including Meet the Press, Face the Nation, and the McLaughlin Group. More recently Candy Crowley, Christiane Amanpour and Fox News entries have entered the showroom, though the latter could easily be labeled as just right-wing rancor and…


“Spitting Game: The College Hook-Up Culture” – Documentary

  Spitting Game: The College Hook Up Culture opens Pandora’s Box and takes a penetrating look into the social lives of students. Hooking Up, described as a drunken, no strings attached sexual encounter has eclipsed traditional dating on college campuses across the nation. Spitting Game is a provocative and…


Graffiti Versus Billboards

By: Thomas Donnovan Broken Window Theory first came about in 1982 when sociologists James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling first published a paper called "Broken Windows: The Police and Neighborhood Safety." In summation, Wilson and Kelling conclude that if the physical makeup of a neighborhood goes into disrepair…

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