Happy Holiday Party

Happy Holiday Party

Here’s a fantastically unique idea being supported by Kevin O’Neil @ Wipeout Homophobia on Facebook

Since our last report, WHOF’s following base has soared to over 270,00 fans following and supporting their mission of empowerment and ‘to make everyone equal, because equal rights aren’t equal until everyone has them!’

As an option for the holidays, please consider this offer from WHOF…

We are holding a HUGE event for the Holiday Season. Whether you live alone or are working away for the holidays, you can be a part of our online family.

With over 25 LGBT groups already showing an interest, reaching over 2 million members between them.

We will have interactive posts and discussions for everyone to join in and socialize whichever time zone you are in.

Welcome to your chosen family gathering.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Eid, Splendid Winter Solstice, Cosy Kwanza, Festive Festivus ,Cool Yule, Lucky Litha (southern hemisphere) and whatever else you care to celebrate this HAPPY HOLIDAY season.

Please join the ‘Happy Holiday Party’ Fan page —-> Here! And share this with your network of people, as an option for them to share the holidays with a special, loving and FUN group of people. Cheers! And Enjoy a Wonderful Holiday Season! xx – TJ

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