
By Betty Bower People have been speculating the existence of a dimension that harbors ghosts, spirits, souls, etc... since the beginning of time. Well? Maybe not that far back, but I myself don't find it that hard to believe. Here's how: We humans can experience several different 'dimensions' of existence, such…

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Pedophilia Petition: STOP Pedo Bear in Their Tracks!

Patricia Tibbits is an aggressive advocate for social rights and justice. Learn more about her and her mission against the promotion of pedophilia below... Why This Is Important... This group, Pedo Bear, has over 335 pages that promote pedophila, child molestation, exposes child porn, has graphic content, and posts…

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Dreams, Nightmares & Rights

By OcJim President Barack Obama just signed the National Defense Authorization bill which will continue the funding of our troops stationed throughout the world, but what is attached to it raises my ire and disgust.. It is something totally unrelated and disconnected from the function of the defense bill,…

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Kim Jong Il’s Death

By: Geoffrey Yonil Kim Jong Il, the Supreme Leader of Democratic People's Republic of Korea, as reported by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), is dead at 69 of a heart attack after 17 years of ruling North Korea. According to KCNA, Jong Il's death was caused by…

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Iraq War: A Retrospective

By: Lionel Hitchens The Iraq War officially ended 12/15/2011, and with the end of the War in Afghanistan on the horizon as the military projects pulling out 1/3 of its troops by the end of 2012. It will more than likely be a decade since either war's inception before…

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What Would John Wayne Say?

By OcJim I just finished watching the 1970 Western, Chisum with John Wayne, probably one of the better westerns of years past. The characters are all icons of western legend, as was John Wayne himself. One thing about westerns is that in the end, the good always seem to…

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Both Parties Kill Our Rights!

By OcJim The Democrats are either hopeless cowards when it comes to defending majority interests, or they are compromised by lobbyist money, only trying to appear as though they support the people. Current observations seem to prove that it is both. Barack Obama campaigned in 2008 as a champion…

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