Review of Bonjour Laziness by Corinne Maier

By: Einsteinlite Bonjour Laziness is a funny little book. It’s a laugh out loud book really, at least for the nonconformists out there who have ever had the pleasure of working for a megalithic Corporation. If you’re a guy who jumps up and salutes during the pledge of allegiance…

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Enough With the “D.L.” and HIV: Confessions of a Discreet Male Vol 1.

I was watching an episode of 'The View' online when, during a conversation about the Food and Drug Administration's ban on gay and bisexual men donating blood, guest host D.L. Hughley attempted to school America on why HIV is so prevalent among African-American women. He said with confidence, "They are getting it from men who are on the down low."

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Our Last Frontier: Part I – The Clash of Religion and Somewhere Beyond the Stars

By: Skye Lyon Fathoming the concept of existence and/or absence in the cosmos can be overwhelming to us. No one truly knows…and will most likely never fully understand what lies beyond the threads of our puny galaxy. Are we alone? Are we created in a specific design to fulfill…

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The Pursuit of UnHappyness – Poverty in America

By: Ms. Henry In the United States, disparities between rich and poor have risen sharply and individuals are increasingly unlikely to escape from their economic position. There are few stories of how someone made it from “rags to riches,” and families are increasing their annual working hours, if they have…

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Revisiting Kurt Cobain’s Death

By: James Daniels Listen to any rock station on the radio and you may think Nirvana is alive and well. Their hits are still playing widely across most major radio stations. Likewise, you can still find their albums at any major retailer. Thus, to any Nirvana fan out there,…

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The CHILDsupport

By: J. Norice Historically, child support has been thought of to serve as a middle ground between two parents to financially support the child.  Modern day child support cases don’t always work that way. Typically money is taken out of the paycheck of the payer, which is usually the…


So They Say You’re Bipolar

By: Air Brin When I say ‘they’ I mean some type of psychiatric professional who has been trained by some other psychiatric professionals. I don’t mean the inner voice screaming at you day in and day out. Of course, if that voice is screaming at you from outside of…

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Under a Cruel Star

By: Timofey Rejouain Under a Cruel Star tells the story of Heda Margolius Kovaly, a Czechoslovakian writer, narrated in the first person. In her memoir, Kovaly indicates in the very first sentence that there were three forces in her life that determined the person she would later become: Nazism,…

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Who Should Panic?

By Jim Hoover For those who are buying potassium iodide tablets, there is another reason to panic. The Cascadia megaquake is long overdue. Run for your lives!! Well, wait a minute. This is only if you live in the coastal region of northern California, Oregon, Washington, or Western Canada.…

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