Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo

By: Kim Hundrell “The Messiah of the Battlefield.” With vivid imagery and a powerful message, Dalton Trumbo weaves the intriguing tale of a WWI veteran who has lost all his limbs and senses, left in an anonymous hospital bed—it’s never specified in what country—with no discernable or identifiable markers,…

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Tasty or Toxic

Recently, I was at my boyfriend's house taking a shower. Not the easiest thing for me to do. I feel more like a rhino in an elevator bumping into all the sides (It’s a small shower). He has an automatic shower scrubber. You know, the ones that hang there…

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Health Cares

By: J. Norice Although it can honestly be stated that without medicine or doctors the survival rate of many Americans would be slim to none, it has been over 20 years and there still is not a cure for cancer. Part of the reason is money. Although thousands of dollars…

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Uncle Sam’s Suckers

By: James Daniels April 18th, 2011 is the tax deadline in the United States this year. With all the economic trouble that this country has faced in recent times, millions of Americans have lost their jobs and many have been forced to cut back on their expenditures. You would…


Does Government Indifference Equal Government Support?

By Michael Tuosto When a specific situation challenges my own beliefs about what the role of government is, it fascinates me to no end.  That is exactly what a recent Supreme Court ruling has done and what Adam Liptak writes about it in his New York Times article, entitled…

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