Ray’s Boom Boom Room – A short commentary on the current economic crisis…

Welcome to Ray’s “Boom-Boom” Room.   So recently, I came across a facebook post that I was completely in agreement with: ‎"Remember when teachers, public employees, Planned Parenthood, NPR and PBS crashed the stock market, wiped out half of our 401Ks, took hundreds of billions in TARP money, spilled…


Whatsyourprice.com Makes Prostitution Legal

By: Jackson Newtyl Brandon Wade, the brainchild behind the dating site, Seekingarrangement.com, recently came out with another dating service called, Whatsyourprice.com, and it’s become virtually indistinguishable from prostitution. Worst than Craigslist’s penchant for attracting unsavory and licentious customers, Whatsyourprice.com has gone a step further for dating sites by being…

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The Unnamed by Joshua Ferris

By: Vivian Wychil To be honest, I bought this book when a local Borders was going out of business because the company filed for bankruptcy and all their products were about fifty percent off. I could not honestly sit here and tell you that I would’ve read this book…

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Sucker Punch

By: Victor Sornovich It's not surprising to find out that Zack Snyder, the director behind 300 and Watchmen, wrote and directed Sucker Punch. It becomes most obvious in the slow-motion action sequences layered in CGI animation and special effects. And the lack in dialogue (or good, meaningful dialogue not…

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Dragon Age: Warden vs. Champion
Artwork by goku252525

Dragon Age: Warden vs. Champion

By: Ashley Wrigley After the huge success of Dragon Age: Origins—a game worthy of the rarely deemed description of 100% perfect—the anticipation for Dragon Age 2 was barely containable. The game trailer was officially categorized under “epic” as Origins’ “Sacred Ashes” trailer had. In case you never saw either,…


Public Displays of Affection: THE RULES

Everybody has an opinion on PDA. and let’s ask ourselves how many times have we seen a couple making intense ‘face-time’ at the park, local coffee shop, or some random corner of Walmart and have really thought to ourselves, “Oh, to be in love!”? Most of the people I’ve…

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Rays “Boom-Boom” Room – Vol. 4: Dr. Manning Marable; Education; Michelle Bachman

By: Ray Rife – raysbbr@gmail.com Welcome to Ray’s “Boom-Boom” Room. I feel like I may be tooting my own horn in this instance, but helping someone to move is a true confirmation in friendship. Moving is terrible. So many people move differently. You can have the late packer who…

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More War

By: Michael Tuosto The Orwellian vision of a perpetual war going on “over there” is becoming eerily relevant. Elisabeth Bumiller and Kereem Fahim reported in The New York Times that, “Pentagon officials are eager to extract the United States from a third armed conflict in a Muslim country as…

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