Party Monsters

By: Stanley Wicker This is both a movie and book review. The book, published in 1999 and originally titled Disco Bloodbath: A Fabulous but True Tale of Murder in Clubland, was written by James St. James, a celebutante during the 1980s and 1990s who also was a part of…

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My Coming out

By: Kevin 'Kel' O'Neil - Founder of Wipeout Homophobia on Facebook. Well, people keep sending me their coming out stories, which I love reading and sharing with all of you, they help people to come to terms with who they are. Some are funny and some are traumatic. Lots…

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Jackson Browne Debuts Protest Tune at Occupy Wall Street

Jackson Brown is an American singer/song writer who has sold over 17 million albums in the U.S. alone. To learn more click here for Jackson Brown's Wikipedia page. Have a listen...

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German Cultural Taboos

Shared By: Mark F. Weber @ My German Travels Avoid stumbling over German cultural taboos while traveling in Deutschland for business or pleasure. The German people are very gracious when a visitor shakes their cultural norms. To show respect, especially in business, understand Germany’s customs and avoid stepping into…

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The End Of The U.S.A.

Shared by Tom Hastings @ Hasting on Nonviolence Back in 1977 The New York Times began taking polls of how Americans feel about Congress. Not until this week, with the clearly craven Congressional inability to stand up for the rights and aspirations of average Americans, has the disapproval rating…

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Owners of America

By OcJim If you are even partially tuned in, you most likely know something about facts of mal-distribution of income: the rich are getting richer and the middle class and the poor, poorer. You probably also know the right vs. left debate: the rich deserve their wealth and the…

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Take Back The Capitol – Occupy Washington D.C., Dec. 5-9

Next week the 99% are taking Congress back from the 1%. Hundreds of activists and jobless workers from around the country are coming to Washington to fight for JOBS, not cuts. There's going to be a massive occupation on the National Mall. We're going to swarm Congress with thousands…

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