Get Fascist?

Ruthless, demagogic Republican leaders plot to steal the next election while still propagating a big lie about the last one, this while the pandemic still rages, especially in Republican states, and while severe and unprecedented weather affects our planet. Serious people like the current administration (Build Back Better Act)…

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‘Let Freedom Ring’ becoming a 2nd Amendment GOP rallying cry?

“Let Freedom ring” is a soaring proclamation of our free destiny in our National Anthem. Within the confines of their own personal aspirations, Republicans have given it their own interpretation Their idea of freedom overrides the rights of everyone else: not to wear a mask during a deadly pandemic…

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UFO Sightings: Dodge, Don’t Analyze by Scientific Experts?

Typically, the US government has shrouded Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) incidents in secrecy or buried them. Investigations tend to come and go, usually the latter, relegated to a thick fog of irrelevancy which smothers any potential embarrassment. If we encounter guided objects in or beyond our atmosphere that are…

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Mafia, the Don, Enablers, & Media

Media focus is myopic. Its narrative sees only the visible participants. What is of consequence behind the settings are usually invisible. That prevailing force is corporate. In a democratic capitalist system, we depend on media sources to disperse unvarnished truth, but the ultimate check on the corporate control is…

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Tale of Two Americas

Charles Dickens also lived in an era when elite forces ruled, for us the corporate elite. Upheaval in France had brought excesses on both sides. First “Let them eat cake” is a familiar sentiment of the exploitive rich in late 1700 France, a quote usually attributed to an arrogant…

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Charge Trump With His Many Crimes

America’s history of defending democratic principles leaves a lot to be desired. Actions of presidents in the past bordered on questionable, many times marked by expedience and partisanship. Deadly actions were often taken with little transparency and no real urgency. A grossly unpopular war was authorized by the Congress’s…

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Want Another Republican Administration, America?

While a rising rival, China, assembles a space station, deploys a rover after an impressive landing on Mars, elbows back 5G efforts by pampered, burgeoning, monopolistic, gorge-crazy US communications companies, builds colossal domestic infrastructure projects, launches Asian and African economic efforts affecting three-quarters of known energy reserves, introduces a…

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Democracy & Science Demand Truth!

According to a CBS 60-Minutes report on 5/16/2021, the U.S. Senate’s intelligence committee has ordered the director of national intelligence and the secretary of defense to deliver a report on decades of mysterious Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) sightings by next month. There has often been a Looney-Tunes flavor to…

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Shining Hill / Garbage Heap

Maureen Dowd, having none of Liz Cheney being the pure-hearted defender of democracy, ended her NYT oped of 5/9/2021, regarding the Cheneys, “Trump built a movement based on lies. The Cheneys showed him how it’s done.” As we know, Liz Cheney is one of only a few Republicans to…

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