The Painful Truth: Capitalism is a Zero-Sum Game

via Harry Targ @ --> Heartland Radical Mitch Daniels knows a few things about finances and managing a budget. He was director of the Office of Management and Budget under President George W. Bush, president of Eli Lilly and Company's North American Pharmaceutical, governor of Indiana, and currently president…

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Dogs of Default

The Navy Yard shooting rampage highlights the ravages of a gun culture, but soon we’ll need to look at the potential carnage caused by the budget fight and its hostage-taking. Republicans, with Ted Cruz standing at the forefront, are – in effect – figuratively holding a gun to Obama’s…

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Cool it, Barack!

Syrian President Bashar Assad allegedly used chemical weapons against his own people, leaving a sickening sight of carnage, some 1400 innocent men, women and children dead, others twitching in neurological agony. We do not know if President Obama will feel compelled – politically, morally, or in an effort to…

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The Other Side of Suicide

via Katrina W. In recognition of Suicide Prevention Week I'm sharing my story with the hopes that you might share it, so that it has the chance of helping more people. I know it isn't bright and happy, and it isn't the usual suicide survival story, but its mine.…

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First Date

via C.C. She was taking her time getting dressed.  She wanted to look perfect for him. This was their first real date, one they both anticipated for awhile. The black dress she chose conveyed the message she wanted…sexy and daring, yet still sophisticated, one that let her be naughty…just for…

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GOP Scorched Earth Policy to Kill Health Care

If American voters would make Republicans pay for their odious misdeeds, most of our governing problems would be over. There is a lot to be despised about Republican rhetoric and Republican actions, but probably the most reprehensible at this time is their plan to destroy government along with the…

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Transgender, Media Ignorance and Suicide
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Transgender, Media Ignorance and Suicide

Via: Zoe Creasey Growing up, I’ve always known the best way to get through life is to treat others in the same way you would want to be treated yourself. Like Ellen Degeneres says: "be kind to one another". Its a fairly simple and straightforward logic that every human…

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The Tea Party — Billionaire Scam?

Are politicians like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Michelle Bachmann, Paul Ryan, and Marco Rubio populist Tea Party vintage or just tools of the very rich? Is the obstruction caused by Tea Party representatives in Congress really grass-roots, or is it runaway ideologues playing for attention and uncontrolled by their…

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Global Economy: 10% Recovered; 90% Still Hostages

It was an economy raped and savaged by Wall Street banks and hedge funds with conspiratorial help from a number of quarters, the global economy brought to the brink of ruin. It was the same motivation coming with most rapes, self-gratification and power. Americans responded with redemptive loans –…

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Better Angels of our Nature

Even before the Trayvon Martin verdict, if we were really “touched by the better angels of our nature,” as Abraham Lincoln once said, we would know that the state of race in America is just one symptom of the sad state of America. Though black Americans are prominent, often…

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