Skewer the Women; Join the Kochs

A Harvard graduate and former Marine says gays are “perverted” and “very sick people psychologically, mentally, and emotionally.” Obama has “Muslim sensibilities.” Planned Parenthood can be compared to the KKK. Bishop E.W. Jackson is running for Lieutenant Governor in Virginia as a Republican. Ken Cuccineli, the Republican candidate for…

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Political Use of IRS

Political use of the IRS by past presidents was much more problematic than any current use by the Obama administration. In many cases, Democrats and Republicans use the IRS against targets more personal and with a lot less moral justification. President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s frequent use of the IRS…

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Be prepared to donate your tax revenues again — to banks!

We will have another financial meltdown and perhaps another taxpayer bailout of too-big-to-fail banks, banks even bigger than they were in 2008. Why another meltdown? The greedfest was hardly interrupted. Bonuses and casino capitalism continue. On the morning of July 21st, 2010, it was already evident. On that morning,…

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Rays of Hope and Crimes in High Places

Sunday’s Sixty Minutes offered for us a needed, even hopeful story of good and selfless Americans striving to help their struggling fellow citizens, doing things that an obstructionist, do-nothing Congress will not do. Still fresh in my mind is the action of partisan, loathsome Senators, thwarting the will of…

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Catch-Phrase Culture
Image via "Sun Gazing" @ facebook

Catch-Phrase Culture

By: Ryan Kohlsdorf Recently I posted a picture containing a spiritual message about violence and strength, which included the caption, “The stronger we become the gentler we will be.”  A day after it was posted, a reader responded with the adage, originally Roman but reclaimed and contextualized by Ronald…

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Stoking Fear: Immigration Reform

Republicans are great at the fear game. Even recent history shows Republicans have a proven tradition of utilizing the human specter of primeval fear in achieving their objectives. Of course such tactics are coupled with the backlash caused by change and the fear that it engenders. Take Ronald Reagan…

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From the Mouths of Babes
R.I.P Martin Richard

From the Mouths of Babes

This will not be another typical piece on the tragedy in Boston. I think the incident had a much more profound effect on me than to spend time and type space telling you what you already know. Terror is horrible, be it foreign or domestic. You also clearly understand…

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The Best Of All Possible Worlds

We all read Voltaire’s “Candide” in our school days and the mantra still ricochets in our heads, “Oh yes, this is the best of all possible worlds” as the hero Dr. Pangloss goes about his series of misadventures. Voltaire was satirizing the words of an intellectual giant, a fellow…

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It’s Winning — not issues!!

It was 30 seconds of Melissa Harris-Perry on an MSNBC promo for education, community, and family, but some 65 minutes of Fox News and media-gorging on other right-wing sources – all like feral dogs after raw meat. Melissa’s statement: We have never invested as much in public education as…

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