Why Workout when you can Playout?

We make every excuse not to exercise. No time. No equipment. No gym. No motivation! Exercise was never meant to be a chore. When we were kids we loved to exercise—we ran, we climbed, we skipped, we jumped—and we called it PLAY because it was fun. So why did…

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America Polarized

The chances are good that if your extended family got together for Thanksgiving dinner this year, there was a bitter political discussion. For Americans, according to Pew Research, values and beliefs are more polarized along partisan lines than at any point in the past 25 years, perhaps extended even…

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Cannabis: The Healing Herb

Cannabis…just say ‘know’ Cannabis is the most popular illicit substance in the world, and prior to aspirin was used in as the primary pain reliever in the Western World. It is non toxic, and is near impossible to overdose on, and deaths are extremely rare (and linked to pre-existing…

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Unemployment, Low Wages, Ponzi Scheme & Crash?

Congress – as now constituted – will not serve us. We have ample evidence that all GOP allegiance is to the rich, certainly not the people. Furthermore, too many Democrats tend to serve Wall Street, let’s say are not aggressive about our basic need of jobs, a fair share…

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I Couldn’t Make Him Stop. I’m Sorry.

I run my hands over my thighs to smooth my skirt. I’m nervous so my leg is bouncing. I notice it and force myself to hold still then I smooth my skirt again. The big, fluffy arm chair I’m enveloped in is too comfortable. The dissonance between it’s squishy…

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Grand Old Tea Party

Reactionaries are extremely conservative, especially opposed to social change, wanting to keep or return to past cultural values. Definitions always seem cut and dried, not allowing for nuance, but this definition perhaps lets us understand what is driven by the Grand Old Tea Party (GOTP, formerly less aptly called…

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