2025: A Road to Fascism–How did we get here?

A majority has elected Donald Trump whose only real concern is himself and the rich who support him, a man who tried to overthrow our democracy, a man who supports dictators and not democratic allies, a man who will readily sell our nation to Vladimir Putin who helped him…

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Who is in charge of America’s Takeover Attempt?

Does America have some nefarious, overarching figure, a puppet-master who pulls the strings for the ultra-conservative movement. It seems that behind the scenes some such shadowy force makes things happen to transform our society on the sly. Or is it a clique of the ultra-greedy? For example, it is…

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Declare our Independence Again

On this approaching Day of Independence, we as the majority have great tasks before us. We must re-evaluate that independence, especially from despots among us who would take it away. A country’s Constitution is supposed to set standards for a its government and its citizens, and is especially important…

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Faceoff in Arizona

Political leaders, with the notable exception of most Republicans, focus on the major problems our nation faces. One of the biggest is climate change. It constitutes reason and science with attacks on climate change & new technology—Most Americans have no idea about the giant impact on green energy that…

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Global Putin Peril?

Vladimir Putin is a butcher with a modern, updated approach to war-criminal standards. His strategy and the nature of his global threat must be identified and considered by the United States, the current leader of the free world. I say current due to the menacing threat to American democracy…

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Liberty Going or Gone?

We should inform ourselves about the many consequences of having almost total functional failure in the US Congress. If you are not aware, the main cause of this failure is the Republican Party. No member of this party either functions as a real representative of the people’s interest or…

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For Most of Us, Tucker Carlson Doesn’t Need a White Robe and a Pointed Hood

Tucker Carlson said President Joe Biden has aligned himself with sentiments of “The Great Replacement,” which he explained as “the replacement of legacy Americans with more obedient people from far away countries. They brag about it all the time, but if you dare to say it’s happening, they will…

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Get Fascist?

Ruthless, demagogic Republican leaders plot to steal the next election while still propagating a big lie about the last one, this while the pandemic still rages, especially in Republican states, and while severe and unprecedented weather affects our planet. Serious people like the current administration (Build Back Better Act)…

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Mafia, the Don, Enablers, & Media

Media focus is myopic. Its narrative sees only the visible participants. What is of consequence behind the settings are usually invisible. That prevailing force is corporate. In a democratic capitalist system, we depend on media sources to disperse unvarnished truth, but the ultimate check on the corporate control is…

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Charge Trump With His Many Crimes

America’s history of defending democratic principles leaves a lot to be desired. Actions of presidents in the past bordered on questionable, many times marked by expedience and partisanship. Deadly actions were often taken with little transparency and no real urgency. A grossly unpopular war was authorized by the Congress’s…

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