Close to War with Iran?

There is no other conclusion to draw other than a real cataclysmic event for our future. I don’t mean just in the long run. I mean before the next presidential election. Brewing is a horrendously dangerous situation in our country. Many enlightened citizens have called for removal of Donald…

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Cool it, Barack!

Syrian President Bashar Assad allegedly used chemical weapons against his own people, leaving a sickening sight of carnage, some 1400 innocent men, women and children dead, others twitching in neurological agony. We do not know if President Obama will feel compelled – politically, morally, or in an effort to…

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History should point us in the right direction

Most of you have all heard the saying or its paraphrase, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” words actually written by George Santayana. This concept has a special meaning now when special interests – those with an agenda – try to guide us in…

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Lifeless in Gaza

A few days ago Israel began yet another systematic campaign of destruction against Gaza. Israel has always been 'at war' with the Palestinian citizens trapped in the enclaves of Gaza and the West Bank, but since Israeli settlers moved away from the Gaza Strip in 2005 there has been…

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U.S. Troop Suicides Exceed War Deaths

By: Victoria Manuel From video at the bottom: "In 2010, 468 US troops committed suicide which surpassed the 462 US troops that were killed in combat that year. The number of troops committing suicide has been on the rise and many blame it on soldiers feeling detached from reality.…

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Eroding a Pillar of Violence

By: Tom Hastings @ Hastings on Nonviolence Environmental sustainability is one way we can help to prevent war. That, of course, is because no matter what the nominal reason for war, one underlying reason is often resource capture. Yes, it's true that we say we hate them because they…

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