Pagan Liberal

By: Cassandra Melano Pagan Liberal is a Facebook fan page for those with a particular taste in both theology and politics. It's not for the faint of heart, nor the conservative of spirit. But rather embraces the openness of life through celebrating progressive liberal attitudes that extol the connectivity…

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The Dogs of God

Thanks to for sharing. By Gregory L. Reece, PhD The sound began down deep in his chest, rose to a growl in his throat, and then forced its way between his lips as a snarl. The coarse silver hair on his neck bristled. His ears, covered with the…


Supporting Diversity Role Models

By Ron Kemp This is getting good.  Lately, there's been more "good news" stories to write about than the heavy alternate.  I like that. In the U.K., there's an organization called Diversity Role Models.  Their mission is to do just that:  provide role models for LGBT teens in an…

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Why You Shouldn’t be Scared of Anonymous

By: Malachi Cane First and foremost, let me explain that I am in no way shape or form a spokesperson or representative of Anonymous. Ironically, this article’s thesis is exactly that: no one is the spokesperson of Anonymous, because for that to be true, Anonymous would have to be…

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