Stop the Pussyfooting – Male Genital Mutilation

I’m finding myself dismayed by the directions the debates brought on by a German court’s ruling - that the circumcision of male infants (which I will refer to as male genital mutilation or MGM from now on) is a criminal assault - are most often taking. I concede that…

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The Secret Language

By Christopher Bryant, Guest writer for Wipe Out Homophobia In 1950s Britain, when it was a punishable offence to be homosexual, a slang called Polari flourished. Polari provided a way for gay people to talk to each other in code. If you wanted to say to a friend, for…

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Capitalism Beats Capitalism

By: Michael Forrester Capitalism has a mixed reputation in our society as of late. Some argue it's the reason why our society is degrading into a cyst pool of moral decay being led by the love of wealth, while others paint capitalism as a beacon of hope and salvation,…

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