North Carolina: Separate Is Not Equal
Photo by Every1Against1

North Carolina: Separate Is Not Equal

The North Carolina Legislature got the amendment on the ballot by a single vote last fall, one vote in the legislature that could ultimately lead to enormous and unpredictable damage. And LGBT couples and families are not the only citizens who would be negatively affected by passage.

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The Cougar Phenomenon: Sex, Gender, and Love

By Alyssa Hart Cougars & Cubs!  Provocative articles have drawn attention to the cougar-cub phenomenon in recent years. Discussions invariably focus on the sexual dimension of the relationships and jokingly -- sometimes unflatteringly -- portray cougars as older women who “prey” upon younger men, or cubs.   These descriptions, however,…

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10 Steps to Winning Back Your Estranged Wife

If you’ve committed an offense against your wife so egregious that she’s more likely than not to leave you, do these things. (I wrote this for a friend whose wife had just left him. But of course these principles aren’t relationally gender-specific.) 1. Let her be. Respect her need to process…

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The Universe from Nothing?

Colossal explosions and transformation of matter are often entertainment, military, or terrorist ventures in our contemporary world. They mostly represent things of destruction. Creation is something else: basically the concept that matter comes from nothing or is explained by Creation narratives in holy books. For older fundamentalist generations, such…

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Accosted by a Christian

My wife Catherine and I used to study and practice Zen. One morning we were walking toward our car after a night spent sitting zazen at a Zen center with a dozen or so other would-be Buddhas. (Zazen is Zen meditation: you sit; you close your eyes; you try to disconnect from…


Not All Choice is Free: Why demand religious exemption for contraception, but not the death penalty, torture, or unjust war?

By Louis A. Ruprecht, Religion Dispatches On November 2, 1984, Velma Barfield became the first woman to be executed in the U.S. since 1962, and the first to be executed in the State of North Carolina after the nationwide moratorium on the death penalty was lifted in 1976. She was…


Instinct and Reason

By: Josh Bin Instinct is ingrained within us, it is the innate sense built into our genetic coding passed along thousands of years of evolution and beyond for the purpose of survival. We instinctively seek out pleasure, avoid pain, and conserve energy. Everything else within humanity is unique. Unique…

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