Dirt to Dirt
Vicki Soto

Dirt to Dirt

What other reaction are we supposed to experience when learning of the atrocity committed in Connecticut on Friday? When an event occurs such as the one that took the lives of 27 people at an elementary school just after morning class had started, and when a situation exists that practically mandates…

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Mallory Owens: a Hate Crime in Alabama

Any man who beats up on a woman has a special place in Hell awaiting him.  Any man who brutally beats a woman nearly to death because of her sexuality not only holds a reservation in Hell but also a warm spot at a penitentiary. Hopefully, for a long…

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Of Cherry Trees, Vaginas & Arithmetic: The Demise of the GOP

Once upon a time in our America, an election was lost, but the power and voice of the people were heard. It was the majority of the people. The system worked, just as the founding fathers had intended. This angers a faction of the populace, the same populace that…

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Thugs, Roadblocks, Sabotage, and Demagogs Continue?

I threw up my hands in disgust and turned off last Sunday’s 60 Minutes when I watched the segment called “The Broken Senate.” Like almost every other news source, the oft-revered 60 Minutes failed Americans. It pretended that the “deadlock, dysfunction and political gamesmanship” that Steve Kroft described was on both…

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A Pugnacious Tagg Romney

Tagg Romney, Mitt Romney’s eldest son, has reason to wax pugnacious against President Obama, and it’s not likely that it’s just Mitt’s honor that Tagg is defending. Apart from defending a campaign strategy he reportedly forged in the last two weeks, Tagg and investors in Tagg Romney’s firm, Solamere…

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