CBS 60 Minutes Follows Fox News

I have always held CBS’s Sixty Minutes in high esteem, that is until a few days ago when I learned that their eye-witness informant’s claim that he was there the night of the Benghazi attack, heroically scaling the 12 foot wall and encountering al Qaeda, was false. He claimed…

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Shutdown Looms — and Even Worse!

Let’s not equivocate. The blame for the government shutdown in a few days, and the even more dire economic shutdown by the middle of October – like global in scope – is on the shoulders of the Republicans in general and the Tea Party Republicans specifically. The mainstream media…

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GOP Scorched Earth Policy to Kill Health Care

If American voters would make Republicans pay for their odious misdeeds, most of our governing problems would be over. There is a lot to be despised about Republican rhetoric and Republican actions, but probably the most reprehensible at this time is their plan to destroy government along with the…

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Political Use of IRS

Political use of the IRS by past presidents was much more problematic than any current use by the Obama administration. In many cases, Democrats and Republicans use the IRS against targets more personal and with a lot less moral justification. President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s frequent use of the IRS…

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Q&A With Poet James Schwartz On Being Q&A

James Schwartz is the author of The Literary Party: Growing up Gay and Amish In America, a work of poems and short stories.   His poetry can also be found in Among the Leaves: Queer Male Poets On the Mid-Western Experience, Milk and Honey Siren: A Nostrovia! Poetry Anthology and…

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History should point us in the right direction

Most of you have all heard the saying or its paraphrase, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” words actually written by George Santayana. This concept has a special meaning now when special interests – those with an agenda – try to guide us in…

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While Democracy Sleeps

Joseph Stalin, the Soviet Union’s ruthless ruler before WWII, said, “I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how, but what is extremely important is this – who will count the votes, and how.” Republicans have tried the voting angle, limiting voting for the opponents,…

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