The True Meaning of Family: The Stories of Two Zac(h)s
Dads - "My husband and I have adopted three sons, left to right: 20 years - Zac, 15 years -11 years."

The True Meaning of Family: The Stories of Two Zac(h)s

Shared By: Ron Kemp "My mother had six children from four different men. Of the six, I only knew two. Of those two, one was given away when I was five years old because she couldn't afford to take care of all three of us. I met the man…


Eliminate the ‘Gay Panic’ Defense from Queensland Law

Created By Paul Kelly Maryborough, Australia Why This Is Important A loophole in Queensland law allows people accused of murder to defend themselves in court by claiming “gay panic” -- that is, if someone who they think is gay “comes onto” them, the sheer panic they feel is partial justification…

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The Transgender Day of Remembrance

Shared by: Wipe Out Homophobia Transgender Day of Remembrance is a day to memorialize those who died due to anti-transgender prejudice. Although not everyone honored self-identified as trans, each was a target of violence based on bias against trans people. The deaths of those based on anti-transgender prejudice are largely ignored. Over the…

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My Son’s Suicide

By Roger Crouch “That my child may know peace” The day the inquest on our 15 year old son Dominic was reported in the press a female school friend posted on Facebook. She said, “The school chaplain said today that we should all remember how you lived, not how…


Pink Triangle Theatre

By: Jackson Hedges The production company Pink Triangle Theatre espouses a clear message directed towards curbing the current trend of "homophobia, bigotry, hatred and intolerance." Such thematic content directs it's focus and is intended to touch upon much of what human experience is like. And despite many homophobic rhetoric denying…

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