Homophobic Study: Deep in the Closet

Homophobic Study: Deep in the Closet

By: Eugene Meritol

“One study asked heterosexual men how comfortable and anxious they are around gay men. Based on these scores, they then divided these men into two groups: men that are homophobic, and men who are not. These men were then shown three, four-minute videos. One video depicted straight sex, one depicted lesbian sex and one depicted gay male sex. While this was happening, a device was attached to each participant’s penis. This device has been found to be triggered by sexual arousal, but not other types of arousal (such as nervousness, or fear—arousal often has a very different meaning in psychology than in popular usage).”

The results confirmed popular beliefs: homophobia is associated with homosexual arousal. Men who had been determined homophobic were asked if they were aroused after viewing gay male porn and vehemently denied any implication of arousal, though their penises told a different story.

Everyone reading this article is probably familiar with at least one case in which a vocal, anti-gay proponent ended up being gay themselves, e.g. Pastor Eddy Long, George Recker, Mark Foley, Larry Craig, the list goes on and on. And all these men, and many more, were proven long before this psychology study conducted by graduate students at the University of Georgia. So, you may be wondering, what was the point in scientifically proving homophobia’s link to homosexuality?

For one, it further indicates the biological nature of sexual orientation, disproving horrible misconceptions that our sexuality is defined by choice—and can be “prayed” away—rather than genetic makeup. Another is that the study undeniably proves the uselessness and self-hatred of homophobia, and will perhaps lead to an abatement of homophobic hatred and violence. Though considering that the study was published back in 1996, the perpetuation of homophobic attitudes only come from silence and ignorance, and the best way to expand acceptance of the LGBT community is through spreading the message of studies such as these to continue the dialogue.

To read the study, go here.

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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. I’ve always believed this was the true reason for homophobia, uncomfortable with their own possible homosexual feelings.

  2. There’s no detail on how big the test group was, how often the results were replicated or how carefully the questions to derive the ‘scores’ were worded.

    Friends who are self confessed homophobes describe two feelings which do not involve homosexual arousal. One is the mental image of anal sex, which they find personally repugnant, and the other is the knowledge that as straight men, they would have sex with any woman who made herself available. They transfer that – along with the belief that gay men are more promiscuous than straight men – to their gay assocaites, assuming that they are seen as the object of desire.

    Perhaps a difference here is, I do not know anyone who would assault, verbally or physically, someone who was gay. The men I know who are homophobic are very literally scared of homosexuallity and try to avoid gay company.

    There is nothing to be gained by stereotyping straight men as we try to educate society into not stereotyping gay men.

  3. Great post. i have always said the same thing.. the guys who are the most macho and talk crap about gays are the ones who get drunk only to become raging bottoms.

  4. what i don’t get is we solved the sexual issue of homosexuality in the 50’s with kinsey’s research… why do people seem to forget that??

  5. Scientific research is not stereotyping. What did Ted Haggard always preach against..oh yeah Gays, gay sex, gay marriage …what did Ted Haggard fall from Grace for? Oh right Sex with a Gay prostitute.. I could list many , many , MANY more examples. Men who bash it continously and constantly are revealing there own “demons”.

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