Teens Helping Teens

By: Crystal Dento This is a story about three girls who want to make a difference and who not only want to help people become more aware of the consequences of the "bystander effect" but to also encourage teens and people to become more proactive, stand up and speak out…

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My Name Is Temptation – My Game Is Seduction

By Andrea Gordon We've only been following 'Temptation' for just a few weeks but have quickly become big fans of their uniquely entertaining and visually stimulating fan page! Page administrators Lily and her partner have done a brilliant job of putting together a captivating theme and quality mixture of…

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Overcoming Adversity; The Creation of ‘Fluid Ink’

Note: "Fluid Ink" is Taboo Jive's 'Facebook Fan page of the Week' kicking off 2012. Please read Rainer's story of how it all got started and follow her work by finding the link to her fan page at the end of her story below...enjoy! - TJ By Rainer Galea…

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STOP Teenage Suicide

By: Thomas Drendil STOP Teenage Suicide is a group of heartfelt, genuine and understanding people banding together on facebook offering community and hope to those feeling lost, alone and/or confused about their purpose and direction in life. Supported by Kevin O'Neil at Wipeout Homophobia on Facebook; 'STOP Teenage Suicide'…

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Happy Holiday Party

Here's a fantastically unique idea being supported by Kevin O'Neil @ Wipeout Homophobia on Facebook Since our last report, WHOF's following base has soared to over 270,00 fans following and supporting their mission of empowerment and 'to make everyone equal, because equal rights aren't equal until everyone has them!'…

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Taboo Jive Facebook Fan Page – Join Us!

Follow our news feed on the Taboo Jive Fan Page by clicking this link, then "Like".... Taboo Jive FB FP Be sure to share us with anyone in your network that you think would have an interest in following reports on the Taboo/Controversial. Thanks for your support!

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HELL Does NOT Exist – It Is A LIE To Control Victims With Fear

Religion teaches and enables the toxic conditioning of conformity to our children and young adults by threatening their 'eternal lives' with burning in Hell. Following is a few words from the Facebook Fan page creators on the description of their page and their intention to educate seekers of the…

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