For a Lone Lunatic, He Fits Right In

As I read the analysis’s of Laughner’s patchwork manifestos and cobbled-together, text based video blogs on the various news and opinion sites I frequent, I am struck both by how desperately the reasonable among us are trying to make sense of this rampage and how futile their efforts are. The only place the actions of Jared Laughner made sense was in his own deformed mind, and it is not unreasonable to suggest that they no longer make sense there either.


Die Hipster Scum, Die!

Our parents had the Hippies, our older siblings had the Punks; and from the looks of things, we're stuck with the Hipsters. I'm not trying to write a rant condemning all Hipsters (although with sufficient reader feedback I'd be happy to!) Instead, I'm just trying to make sense of what seems to be one of our generation's most visible cultural products.

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I Just Wanna Touch It
Open, age-appropriate communication about sexuality is a part of good parenting.

I Just Wanna Touch It

By: Andrea Elizabeth What do you do when your CHILD is clearly having a sexual moment in front of you? For most parents in the USA, their first and final decision is to scold and punish the child. Well, psychologists claim this is completely wrong way to respond. As…

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Courting Distractions


Facebook, if used properly, could be such a tool for liberation that the structure of society would be turned on its head and we would all be liberated from our very structured and protected lives.


NBC Universal, Comcast Merge

One of the most common supporting arguments of mergers is that mergers create more efficient, more effective entities producing a better end product for its consumers. This argument defies basic logic when it comes to the motivation of a company. With a dominant market share of an industry, there is a seeming lack of external factors that would motivate firms to produce at their best.

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Seeking enlightenment through nature's own


...throughout history we have been using drugs to treat a number of ailments from anxiety, depression, and obsession to colds, pneumonia and mal health. Yet, in contemporary culture we have developed a bias towards drugs, in fact even the name “drug” has carried with it a negative connotation. We have lost the connection with ancient, natural remedies and resorted entirely to new medications,: chemicals which are not only dangerous but possibly the downfall of our species


Michael Vick Redeemed?

By: L. Laskey  Assigned to 23 months in the clink and, later home confinement, suspended from football and subsequently bankrupt, football phenomenon Michael Vick now seems to be riding the trajectory of redemption. Vick was jailed for willfully, knowingly, and actively participating in not only the business of dog-fighting…


Land of the Free and Home of the Brave

By: Denise Fabec  In the last few years, we certainly have been living up to our reputation as a free nation.  With the outsourcing of jobs, corporate cutbacks, and millions of square miles of empty commercial property on hand, it has most definitely become a buyer’s market for goods…

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