For-Profit Colleges

It's not that surprising to hear people make jokes about for-profit colleges like Devry, University of Phoenix, ITT Tech, and the like, and the illegitimacy of the type of education they offer.

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Parental Control

She grabs her son who's crying, lifts him forcefully up in this jerking motion, and then screams word for word, "You've ruined my life! You're always crying!" Right into the kid's face. She then promptly disappears back to her car, or wherever, leaving my friend and me to scratch our collective heads and wonder what the hell was that all about. And then we laughed.


Why Wikileaks Still Matters

...Wikileaks has been silenced. The contents of the leaked packets of information is unsettling enough and just about any media outlet with its finger anywhere near America’s pulse has jumped all over them and produced a cacophony of analyses and moral sentiments ranging from the outraged to the furious.

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