Eroding a Pillar of Violence

By: Tom Hastings @ Hastings on Nonviolence Environmental sustainability is one way we can help to prevent war. That, of course, is because no matter what the nominal reason for war, one underlying reason is often resource capture. Yes, it's true that we say we hate them because they…

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Just a Waste of Time, Money & Lives; The End of the Iraq War

After almost nine years, 4,479 fatalities, 33,169 soldiers wounded, 12,000 Iraqi civilian deaths and an almost a trillion dollars spent, the Iraq war is finally over. In a press conference Friday, President Obama announced that U.S. troops will be pulled out of Iraq by the end of the year,…

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Woman Sues Husband for Lack of Sex

Shared By: A French woman sued her ex-husband of 21 years for failing to have enough sex with her during their marriage and now the ex-husband has been ordered to pay her $17,000 in damages. The ex-husband who is 51 years old was fined under article 215 of…

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Lindsay Lohan: Slowly Circling the Drain?

Lindsay Lohan: Slowly Circling the Drain?

The always controversial 25 year old, Lindsay Lohan, reportedly showed up 40 minutes late for community service work today because she says she got lost and didn't know what door to use - she tweeted after saying “I’m sorry for the confusion that I may of caused to those…

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New Zombie Capitalism

By Jim Hoover Not too much has changed in the graven-god-scene since the early Aztecs used razor-sharp obsidian knives to snatch beating hearts pulsing with blood out of their sacrificial victims. Heart-extraction was viewed as a way to liberate the istli (a fragment of the Sun’s heat) and reunite…

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Occupy Wall Street’s Momentum and Meaning

By: Jack Bristle As Occupy Wall Street expands into 1,500 cities worldwide with several million people joining on the streets, it becomes blatantly obvious that despite mainstream media's trivialization of the movement and after a month of protesting it's still gaining momentum. Occupy Wall Street represents the first major…

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Enter a New Dawn

By Jim Hoover I have waited so long for an American drama where the people win in the end. Conservative gangs, marauders from high places, have victimized the citizens for so long. Reagan rode in out of the tinsel town sunset, a likeable cowboy but flawed by ideas pushed…

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