Crumbs In The Butter; Thanksgiving Day

By Midnite Writer Tomorrow for just one day, the whole country, our country, will come to a screeching halt to reflect and give thanks. Families will gather together around the table; and if they cannot, they will use one of today’s many convenient electronic means of communication available to…

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Republican Brand

By OcJim Have you ever seen such an egregiously ill-equipped crew of Republican candidates running for president? By category, they vary from the unseemly uninformed to obdurate liars to boorish scam artists. Rick Perry, Michelle Bachmann, and Herman Cain flash in your mind regarding uninformed. Bachmann also comes to…

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Bernie Sanders via “The Christian Left”

Click the pic to enlarge -----> Join 'The Christian Left' facebook fan page As perhaps one of the only senators currently sitting in Congress as a self-proclaimed democratic socialist (which is entirely different from socialism), Sanders has surfaced as a figurehead for a continuingly growing population of dissatisfied protestors in…

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Protect Us from Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

By Austin and Sheri Taylor (contact) Sign petition here -----> To be delivered to: The United States Senate Don't let the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Expire. VAWA is due to expire this December 2011. The Violence Against Women Act provides a critical safety net for our victims…

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Egypt; Another Revolution?

An estimated one million protesters flood the streets of Cairo as Egyptian protests enter into their fourth day of another massive uprising. The Egyptian military has decided, for now, to promise government control to civilian control by July 1st, 2012 but civilians are demanding that the transaction happen no…

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Halliburton charged with selling nuclear technology to Iran

An informative look into a very controversial topic and lack of corporate ethics with regards to 'back door business deal tactics' by companies like Halliburton. "Halliburton, the notorious U.S. energy company, sold key nuclear-reactor components to a private Iranian oil company called Oriental Oil Kish as recently as 2005,…

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The Philosophy of Parkour

By: Fred Johpin Parkour was created in France by a man named David Belle at the turn of the century and derives from a fusion of free running, gymnastics, and body art. It did not take long for parkour to make itself known all throughout the world in urban…

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The Transgender Day of Remembrance

Shared by: Wipe Out Homophobia Transgender Day of Remembrance is a day to memorialize those who died due to anti-transgender prejudice. Although not everyone honored self-identified as trans, each was a target of violence based on bias against trans people. The deaths of those based on anti-transgender prejudice are largely ignored. Over the…

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