Republican Brand

Republican Brand

By OcJim

Have you ever seen such an egregiously ill-equipped crew of Republican candidates running for president? By category, they vary from the unseemly uninformed to obdurate liars to boorish scam artists. Rick Perry, Michelle Bachmann, and Herman Cain flash in your mind regarding uninformed. Bachmann also comes to mind as liar and Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, and Mitt Romney seem to fit the bill for liar and scam artists.

Don’t you find it curious that kooks like Herman Cain, Donald Trump, Michelle Bachmann, and Rick Perry were sort of frontrunners and, though shallow and manipulative, they are sticking around like vultures ready to thrash the dying meat of democracy? The current frontrunner, Newt Gingrich, in his megalomaniac dreams, sees himself as haughty emperor, not president. A historian by trade, his oft-revealed thoughts seem to brandish an image of himself as a savior in modern America’s sweep of history.

Twice as many viewers have watched the seemingly never-ending Republican debates than have watched in the past. The most likely reason involves the lively but flawed, sometimes obtuse, always waffling, personal performances of candidates, the mean-spirited debate audiences, and showier productions of cable sponsors – some of the same traits that make reality TV successful.

Viewers are not burdened with real weighty problems, just polarizing issues like gay-rights, torture, killing health care reform, and the unemployed characterized as lazy. They are all familiar to viewers of Fox News and the same rancor and ridicule is exhibited on hate radio shows like Rush Limbaugh.

If you are finding yourself outraged but unfocused when tuned into the so-called debates, with candidates’ issue clumsiness, their playing sociopathic roles before selected crowds, and their hawking of themselves or their wares (Newt Gingrich comes to mind), live with the entertainment moment and visualize the Republican winner being transformed into a vampire, a Werewolf, or “Old Scratch” himself. The damage their policies would bring are worthy of such images.

Their cavalier-culture-driven attitudes and the Republican-sabotaged economy might actually distract you into voting for the ignominious survivor of the farcical Republican primary process. If we are ever distracted enough or ignorant enough to vote them into office, mark my words, if you think the fight against the one-percent’s proto-fascist ideas is intense now, wait until Republicans get majorities in the House, the Senate and control of the presidency. They will feed upon the rendered corpse of democracy.

Now I used to think such statements were biased and extreme. They were once.

Now they are truth.

For those interested, it is easy to predict where a Republican sweep would take us: social security privatized (Mitt Romney), Medicare a voucher system (Paul Ryan), lower taxes for the rich (all Republicans), unconstrained poisoning of air and water (all Republicans), no controls on food and drink additives (all Republicans), and unbridled climate change (end result of Republican beliefs). Corporations as people (Supreme Court) would probably assess us for breathing their private property air in their business buildings.

And with the global impact of American policies, you might even have to leave the planet for relief, though access to habitable planets is not here yet.

Maybe you could squat in some rainforest not yet marked for leveling or stand in line for grub.

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