Republicans: Putin-type Election Tampering

Republicans are growing so perverse in disenfranchising non-white voters that progressive Americans may be left with either accepting their perverse, even criminal, methods or use some form of force to assure the fairness of the 2020 presidential election. Republican electoral victories are dependent on gaming the election system, with…

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His Work Nearly Done

Each added Trump day in the White House is a stellar disgrace, Soiling our pages of history with tinny words & scaly presence. It’s a mockery of what we are and what we mean as a nation. We’ve had sullied moments like this in an uneven history, But Trump’s…

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The Cosmic & the Now: 3 black holes & a criminal troika

LIGO data & flares reveal 3 black holes colliding, In a cosmic space 4 billion light years away they say. Tho here & now America, millions go to bed hungry, While unaware, fat, lazy, & self-idolatrous leadership reclines. The worst, casting a dark shadow by the glow of creepy…

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Life or Death Voting

Any query you make on the internet regarding US elections will render little information on voting consequences for citizens, but a wealth of information on who or what party is leading in current polls. Almost all national media sources focus on the rancor of the race. It is like…

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Trump’s Lawlessness & Disorder

As most of us know, we have a deceitful, dangerous man in the White House. Again, and again, he has proven he will do anything for his re-election. Prior to his impeachment, his lawlessness and impeachable offenses mounted. Finally, his extortion of help from the Ukraine government in smearing…

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Two plagues at once

The two current attacks on humankind have similar causes: greed and stupidity. Though one is a force of nature, it was a result of the human pillaging of our planet, the ravaging of a natural habitat for personal profit, reserving paltry resources to study the consequences of disturbing creatures…

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Authoritarian Exchange with India
February 26, 2016

Authoritarian Exchange with India

Mohammad Ali’s Report, “The Influencer,” in Wired Magazine is a gripping narrative about India’s headlong descent into a right-wing, racist and lawless government that would make Mahätmä Gandhi, a strong advocate of religious pluralism, turn over in his grave. Some of the elements of this descent, past and present,…

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Trump Prepared

In this day of coronavirus, beware of Republican deceit and duality. Republican leaders never operate in pursuit of nurture for all, even in crisis. All recent evidence points to this fact. Only a few examples need suffice. When Barack Obama was inaugurated in 2009, it became immediately clear that…

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2020 Election & Crony Capitalism

Beware, moderate and progressive voters, of the crony-capitalist juggernaut that has been and will be launched to defeat the Democratic candidate, and especially Bernie Sanders. They have a lot at stake: billions in profits off the backs of average Americans -- extended to other countries where their sway is…

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A Nostalgic Human Parasite, Donald John Trump

Is it only irony that a global parasite, Donald Trump, scorned the best picture Oscar for the South Korean film “Parasite,” asking how a foreign movie could get the honor? It is ironic in the fact that he, himself, displays all the characteristics of a parasite (Chinese liver flukes…

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