The Culprits Behind Demise of Democracy?

“Follow the money,” we often hear investigators say in finding culprits behind crime and corruption. One most willing receiver of such shady money, Donald J. Trump, sought to retain unaccountability for his crimes as well as dominion over an almost limitless supply of booty tied to his presidency by…

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Is More Domestic Terrorism Facing Us?

Jan 5th, the night before Congress was to meet to certify the election, Michael Flynn with credentials seemingly dripping with treason, gave an interview to radical conspiracy hack, Alex Jones and told viewers that Donald Trump – with certainty – would serve four more years. He didn’t say…

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Our Growing Cosmic View and Dark Matter/Energy

After substantive “missing matter” reports some fifty years ago, scientists have spent decades in a quest for hidden particles. In the new millennium, alternative views suggest the search should be for new and/or unseen forces, not unknown matter. With perceptions improving with more advanced technologies, what is the impact…

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Bringing Back Reason and Intelligence?

The anti-intellectual, anti-science sentiment of Republican thinking is not just a characteristic of far-right Republican leaders, it has filtered into the whole American culture. It is a growing norm that feeds the populist movement that many politicians run on in campaigns. It inhabits social media forums. It inspires podcasts…

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Republican Sabotage Must End

First order of business is to remove Mitch McConnell as a force of control in the US Senate. He is equally as toxic for the American people as Donald Trump has been in the White House. The Georgia voters must give Joe Biden a chance to repair the damage…

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Sabotage is Republican Game plan even with a GOP President

Sabotage is a deliberate action aimed at weakening an effort or organization through subversion, obstruction, disruption, or destruction. One who engages in sabotage is a saboteur. Saboteurs typically try to conceal their identities because of the consequences of their actions or mask their actions, misrepresenting their intent. On a wartime footing,…

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Vote like your life depends on it!

For those who haven’t voted yet, before you cast your vote for a vile & self-serving man with an orange complexion, making rude and false comments about his opponent/s, think about it. Are you voting out of anger and fear stoked by Trump, Facebook, and Fox News? Are you…

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Trump & Fox working hand in hand: Antifa & QAnon

We might say that the fabric of American society is unraveling, the victim of a desperate Trump whose psychopathy thrives on stoking violence, chaos and division, monopolizing the media, posing as the ultimate authority, and being adulated by his base. His first goal can be disbursed among 940 hate…

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The real perpetrators of the world’s critical problems are in the shadows, actually hiding behind the actors daily portrayed in all the media forums: newsprint, magazines, television, social media, billboards, and books, even the pretend media of fiction, whether movies, novels or plays. The problems are encapsulated in at…

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