Johnny Suede

By: Dan Mitchells Johnny Suede is that odd combination of surrealism and melodrama to the point that it was humorous—though I'm not quite sure whether the humor was always intentional. Made back in 1991, the same year Brad Pitt (the main actor) dazzled audiences with his performance in Thelma…

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How To Be a Waitress

Walk in the back door, take a deep breath. Say "Hi" to the guys in the kitchen, clock in, and walk out onto the floor. Only three tables…Good. Walk up to the espresso maker and hit the button that says "double shot." Add a Splenda to it, just for…


The New Jim Crow

By OcJim Like many others I thought the election of a black president marked the end of bias and racism in our country. Even the coded -- He’s not one of us – rather unsubtle suggestion, portrayed by birthers and Tea Partyers against Barack Obama might be seen as…


Are You There Margaret? It’s Us, Generation X.

 As we end women's history month I feel compelled to bring up one of the most influential women in America, whose beliefs and compassion for the poor and uneducated have had a direct affect on how we live today: Margaret Sanger.  In 1914, Margaret Sanger launched the magazine The Woman…

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Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Straight Alliance
Facebook logo for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Straight Alliance

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Straight Alliance

This week Taboo Jive is recommending a Facebook page that has something for everyone. About: “Everyone of every sexuality supporting each other. Equality For All! Not Some! Get the latest news and videos here on LGBT issues.” Mission: “Working for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Equal Rights. One by…

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Illogical Thoughts by Someone Too Young to Think

By: Samuel Bontin Illogical Thoughts by Someone Too Young to Think is the first book of author Robert Mynatt, a young writer with few pretentions of his writing ability, and who happens to write for Taboo Jive as well. Illogical Thoughts is the inception of a fledgling career that…

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