My Racist Neighbor

Since Adam and Eve, man had a special connection to the ‘rib’ I quickly pointed out to Melissa X. In addition, barbecue or the art of cooking over fire, dated back to the caveman! I defended my manhood, my race, and above all, my ribs, with gusto and hard-hitting facts like those pointed out above. Still adamant in her racist views, Melissa X repeated her initial claims.

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Accosted by a Christian

My wife Catherine and I used to study and practice Zen. One morning we were walking toward our car after a night spent sitting zazen at a Zen center with a dozen or so other would-be Buddhas. (Zazen is Zen meditation: you sit; you close your eyes; you try to disconnect from…


Uncle ‘Turd Blossom’

Perhaps that would change if Democrats, like Republicans, exclusively showered big oil with gifts of lower taxes, tax credits and exemptions, along with the freedom to pollute.

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Foo Fighters – Everlong

"Everlong" was written against the background of the break-up of Dave Grohl's first marriage to photographer Jennifer Youngblood. Having returned home to Virginia for Christmas 1996, Grohl turned the initial riff into a complete song and wrote the lyrics after falling for a new woman, "That song's about a…

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49 Bye Bye’s

“Bye- Bye Honey” Barbara said yesterday as she made her way back to her home. We have ended our conversations this way for well over two years. I find comfort in the familiarity of the phrase, as I am certain she does. A simple pattern of social interaction for…

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