Option: Liberty or Death?

Corporate America has been so embedded in one political party that many corporations & corporate-tied vested interests have, indirectly, provided financial support to the violent overthrow of our government. Since many in the GOP, almost exclusively an agency for corporate privilege, supported the violent overthrow of democracy – tacitly…

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Global Putin Peril?

Vladimir Putin is a butcher with a modern, updated approach to war-criminal standards. His strategy and the nature of his global threat must be identified and considered by the United States, the current leader of the free world. I say current due to the menacing threat to American democracy…

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GOP Promotes Putin Invasion

No doubt, in Putin’s invasion calculous is the weakened state of America’s democracy, a weakening with great contributions by a now seditionist GOP and a loud anti-democratic right-wing for-profit media, and even with contributions from corporate-influenced and owned mainstream sources as well. Mainstream media helps to amplify the hate…

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A Fight for Democracy Without Republicans

The Republican Party at one time was a vibrant party that worked for the good of the people, but during the course of over a generation has changed drastically. It has become nihilistic and negative, working for the demise of our democracy and primarily for its own authoritarian control.…

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Liberty Going or Gone?

We should inform ourselves about the many consequences of having almost total functional failure in the US Congress. If you are not aware, the main cause of this failure is the Republican Party. No member of this party either functions as a real representative of the people’s interest or…

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American News Media: Profit/Toxic-based, Not Information-based

While democracy sinks, the media wants to assign blame for inflation. It wants to focus on the details of a partisan cat fight rather than discuss its background or cause. It centers discussion on Republican attacks on Big Bird rather than the issues involved. It is combative, not constructive.…

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For Most of Us, Tucker Carlson Doesn’t Need a White Robe and a Pointed Hood

Tucker Carlson said President Joe Biden has aligned himself with sentiments of “The Great Replacement,” which he explained as “the replacement of legacy Americans with more obedient people from far away countries. They brag about it all the time, but if you dare to say it’s happening, they will…

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Get Fascist?

Ruthless, demagogic Republican leaders plot to steal the next election while still propagating a big lie about the last one, this while the pandemic still rages, especially in Republican states, and while severe and unprecedented weather affects our planet. Serious people like the current administration (Build Back Better Act)…

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