Would you be down to make a donation to help support Taboo Jive? Consider buying the TJ crew a cup, or two, or three, so we can keep our momentum going!

Our intention and mission is to inspire social justice by promoting awareness, and sparking civil, mutually respectful dialogue around the private and everyday issues we all face in life and may struggle to overcome, whatever they may be. The important thing is to be able to talk about them, so we can know better how to feel and collectively move on to a better place.  

We prefer to keep this forum organically run and supported by those fans and followers who appreciate what we’re doing with our piece of virtual space in the world. If you enjoy our content and support our mission, consider donating funds to Taboo Jive whenever you can, in whatever increments your budget will allow. This will help us tremendously as we aim to keep our site ad. free and reader supported. Click on one of the options below to support us. Thank You!

Small Coffee
Large Coffee
Pot Of Coffee
Whole Lotta Coffee

 We invite you to add your two cents, in any way you can. If you’re a writer, feel free to submit your writing as a contribution -> HERE 

Many thanks to our fans, followers, contributors and supporters! You help keep TabooJive flourishing.

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