Vote with Emotion or Non-vote & we all pay

Sixty-six percent of eligible voters voted in the 2020 presidential election. Of 158 million votes, 81 million were for Biden and 74 million for Trump. Midterm voting percentages now average around 40%. In the late 1800s, it was more like 80% for presidential races and 70% for midterms. When…

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250 Years — Our Shelf Life?

Recently 60 Minutes aired an episode about Alden Global Capital, a New York-based hedge fund known for slashing purchased local newspapers to the bone by running them into the ground and selling off all valuable assets. Featured was Evan Brandt, who is literally the last journalist standing at The…

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How Democracy is on the Chopping Block

In response to Republican (A Party which the SCOTUS-alt6 now mirrors in intent) attacks on democracy and the gutting of established human rights, Democrats counter with unimaginative legalistic challenges and/or dreams of recapturing power lost. Their efforts seem frail and fearful of voter and media disapproval. It is simple,…

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Option: Liberty or Death?

Corporate America has been so embedded in one political party that many corporations & corporate-tied vested interests have, indirectly, provided financial support to the violent overthrow of our government. Since many in the GOP, almost exclusively an agency for corporate privilege, supported the violent overthrow of democracy – tacitly…

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GOP Promotes Putin Invasion

No doubt, in Putin’s invasion calculous is the weakened state of America’s democracy, a weakening with great contributions by a now seditionist GOP and a loud anti-democratic right-wing for-profit media, and even with contributions from corporate-influenced and owned mainstream sources as well. Mainstream media helps to amplify the hate…

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A Fight for Democracy Without Republicans

The Republican Party at one time was a vibrant party that worked for the good of the people, but during the course of over a generation has changed drastically. It has become nihilistic and negative, working for the demise of our democracy and primarily for its own authoritarian control.…

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American News Media: Profit/Toxic-based, Not Information-based

While democracy sinks, the media wants to assign blame for inflation. It wants to focus on the details of a partisan cat fight rather than discuss its background or cause. It centers discussion on Republican attacks on Big Bird rather than the issues involved. It is combative, not constructive.…

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Want Another Republican Administration, America?

While a rising rival, China, assembles a space station, deploys a rover after an impressive landing on Mars, elbows back 5G efforts by pampered, burgeoning, monopolistic, gorge-crazy US communications companies, builds colossal domestic infrastructure projects, launches Asian and African economic efforts affecting three-quarters of known energy reserves, introduces a…

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