Black President = Rise of the New Racist

Black President = Rise of the New Racist

Ever since President Obama was elected I have noticed a lot of insanity from a certain segment of the White population. President Obama has been accused of  taking away civil liberties of “real Americans” and not actually being an American at all but a Kenyan socialist-communist-fascist who is going to put White children in boot camps and indoctrinate them with all types of socialist, evil thoughts. He is also having too many barbeques and basketball tournaments in the White House with Jay-Z and Diddy and taking too much vacation time when he should be working. The most ludicrous thing he has been accused of is being an advocate of the poor (code word for Black folks).

Let me tell you one thing: having a Black president has not done shit for me (excuse the slang). As a Black person, my wallet has not gotten any fatter since his election; if anything, my pockets are lighter. Unemployment for Blacks under this presidency has risen to 16.7 percent, the highest since 1984 and I am among those who are unemployed, complete with a Bachelor’s Degree. I have not had a full-time job since August 17, 2007 and these days I wonder how my bills are going to get paid since I cannot find a job and my unemployment benefits have expired.

When I see all those poor, misguided, angry White people protesting against President Obama for his alleged crimes against White humanity, I snigger to myself and wonder where were all these people when President Bush passively watched from Air Force One while an entire city swam in their own shit after Hurricane Katrina hit or when Bush and his enablers started a war with an ideology (terrorism). But of course President Bush looked just like them and it was okay for him to make mistakes because they could drink a case of beer with him. The Light-Skinned Negro from Nowhere who went on to win the Presidency of the United States cannot make any mistakes or else he is the worst President in the history of the United States.

It used to be a time in American history when racists were proud of their viewpoints and had no problem with admitting their racism (remember Governor Wallace?). Today’s racists hide behind code words and the Internet and pretend that they are not racists. They are just honest, hard-working Americans who want their country back and are tired of Black folks receiving all the Section 8 vouchers, food stamps and welfare because they used to be slaves. Guess what clueless idiots? It is time to get a clue and take a couple of college courses in history, civics, and sociology because this line of thinking is insane. But to get an education is considered elitist to that ilk and that will never happen because some folks just love being ignorant. I am just waiting on the day when one of these racists will finally keep it real and call President Obama a nigger who has no business being in the White House with his Black wife and two Black children.

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I am a woman. I am an African-American. Belonging to two minorities has shaped my viewpoint on life in more ways than I can count. It is not easy being a woman in an inherently sexist society. Add skin color to the equation and you have me. This is my world and my viewpoint. You do not have to agree with my thoughts but in the end, you will respect me
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