You Might Be A Brainwashed Negro If…

Brainwashed Negro: A Black individual who has internalized every negative stereotype about Blacks and their culture and is seething with self-hatred and low self-esteem. Usually believes that the only path to success and true happiness is to marry or assimilate into White culture, hoping to escape the sins of…

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Collateral Damages – Chicago; Living in Fear

There is a war currently being waged in a predominately Black and poverty stricken neighborhood in Chicago, Illinois named West Washington Park. The battle grounds are located between 56th and 65th street from Cottage Grove to Martin Luther King Drive. This war has not garnered much media attention except…

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Black President = Rise of the New Racist

Ever since President Obama was elected I have noticed a lot of insanity from a certain segment of the White population. President Obama has been accused of  taking away civil liberties of “real Americans” and not actually being an American at all but a Kenyan socialist-communist-fascist who is going to…

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Ghetto Nation

Ghetto - A section of a city to which an entire ethnic or economically depressed group is is restricted; as by poverty or social pressure. Life for Blacks who reside in the inner-city has never been easy, but in the years since crack cocaine hit things have most definitely…

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