Who is in charge of America’s Takeover Attempt?

Who is in charge of America’s Takeover Attempt?

Does America have some nefarious, overarching figure, a puppet-master who pulls the strings for the ultra-conservative movement. It seems that behind the scenes some such shadowy force makes things happen to transform our society on the sly. Or is it a clique of the ultra-greedy?

For example, it is no accident that Leonard Leo came along to help engineer the radical, right-wing shift in the Supreme Court with a cache of funds hidden from our view, funds made possible by a dark-money policy fashioned by that same SCOTUS majority that is so drastically changing our Constitution right before our eyes.

If you have the time and energy to notice, it seems to be no happenstance that the current court is working in concert to lead our nation down the road to a fascist government, slowly changing a porous founding document so that it suits the plan and purpose of a fifty-year-old blueprint for a business takeover, The Powell Manifesto. The 6 to 3 majority was ramrodded by purposeful puppets along the way.

I know, it sounds so Manchurian-candidate, but it seems to fit, a coup engineered by perhaps a clique of aggressive, prominent business interests like the Koch brothers and overly rich titans with similar interests of control.

Opportunist to the hilt, followers of the Powell Manifesto used people and events. The election of President Ronald Reagan brought an eager pro-business proponent who lapped up conservative ideas, not-even-tongue-in-cheek, declaring government as the main problem. To that point, government had to be demonized by the 1971 Manifesto because the people’s federal government was enabling an egalitarian America then by LBJ.  

Early on, the Republican Party was a ready-made agent for the corporate power structure, and, in different ways, the Democratic Party helped along the way, more short-term self-service than ideological.

Coming at the right time to strike with a jurisprudence dagger, Mitch McConnell, who, now mentally befuddled, but still a corporate yes-man, was able to short-shrift flatfooted Democrats with Machiavellian moves, including stealing a SCOTUS seat for pay.

Aided by his association with the right-wing think tank, the Federalist Society, Leonard Leo didn’t appear by accident. Somehow, somewhere, he and big money got together to strike like serpents when the time was right and sneak in three justices.

A relatively stolen election with Putin help and through further fraud, for-profit media, and archaic electoral college help, Donald Trump became president and brought 3 Federalist-Society-picked justices. These fleet-footed moves were not unplanned.

Right under our noses, the Supreme Court has murdered the Constitution, and that puppet-master or clique of powerful business leaders are striking at our democracy, using the violent language and the invective of the twice-impeached felon, and charged insurrectionist, Donald Trump.

SCOTUS 6’s last assault on the Constitution brought us a, in effect, crime-immune Donald Trump, free to finish democracy, that is, if America’s next vote can be deflected by roadblocks to democracy, many engineered by Trump and the Powell Manifesto moves.

A kind of a guide documenting SCOTUS moves that disable our Constitution in favor of an ultra-conservative dictatorship with a ready for-hire Trump  is “The Supreme Court Has Murdered the Constitution,” by Ryan Cooper, ironically published on Independence Day, 2024. It shows the progressive steps, citing the parts of the Constitution and the dissembling moves that various rulings made to make it less democratic, more pro-business and finally dictatorial with the last ruling by the Roberts Court.

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