What Pisses You Off;  OWS, Tea Party or Both?

What Pisses You Off; OWS, Tea Party or Both?

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Are you tired of all the empty rhetoric surrounding OWS and the Tea Party? Tired of people with loud mouths and no demonstrable intelligence barking off strings of facts, statistics, or opinions from philosophers and other social thinkers that either make no sense, are taken out of context, or are completely fabricated for the purpose of peddling their own agenda? Well, you’re not the only one.

As these two groups battle it out in the eternal struggle between too much government and too little government, we normal people have to wake up to crappy jobs, drink crappy coffee, work for a crappy boss, have crappy sexual daydreams about coworkers we don’t actually like, and then, like Sisyphus, go back to our crappy home with crappy mortgage payments, bills, and other taxes, in a perpetual, everlasting cycle of crap. And what do these OWS and Tea Party protestors get? A vacation from normality to protest against a corruption that’s more ubiquitous and universal than America and is at the heart and core of humanity’s problems not only today but several thousand years ago, and probably several thousand, million, billion years to come.

It’s no wonder why popularity for either group has wavered since their inception. OWS should have taken example from the Tea Party’s unrelenting protests and propaganda that got real old real quick. They’re both simply unrealistic proposals for running a society. And that’s not to say that the Tea Party represents a fringe group of Right-wing fanatics who just think the government is trying to tap their phones, computers and such out of some neurotic hubris manifesting as self-important paranoia. And of course it’s not to say that OWS represents the inverse of law and order (crime and disorder?). But both groups have legitimate grievances that inevitably will have to meet in the middle to fight a common enemy: the marriage of two concentrated powers feeding themselves while bankrupting the people–the government and corporations.

Once protestors, and the public at large, is able to discern a clear enemy out of the mess mainstream media created, then dilemmas will become clearer, and the solutions to those dilemmas will be thus attainable. But when you shroud an issue in back-water ideology that sounds really great, energetic, and enthusiatic to solving a massive problem, then inevitably you will only distance yourself from the solution and make it that much harder to solve whatever’s the matter, just as both OWS and the Tea Party has done.

So come, one and all, and discuss your grievances for the two major political (protesting) parties with too many grievances!

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What Pisses You Off; OWS, Tea Party or Both?, 10.0 out of 10 based on 4 ratings

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Overall, the concept that the two political parties in the US are actually indistinguishable – the party of ONE. The two parties are not actually parties but rather, two halves of a symbiotic system. They are indistinguishable because the output of the system remains the same, regardless of which half is ‘in power’. Either half, when ‘out-of-power,’ is obligated to obstruct ANY/ALL progress by the other half while screaming the half ‘in power’ is about to destroy the country. All problems and issues of the country are explained as having been caused by the other half.

    Because NEITHER half is interested in what the public wants, the single party therefore generates a lot of unhappiness. This dissatisfaction guarantees regular and routine trades of where they hold ‘power.’

    They are also sometimes referred to as Tweedeldee and Tweedeldum but due to the indistinguishable nature of both pairs, it has never been clear how they should be paired.
    Members of both the Demopublican AND Republicrat halves BOTH:
    + over-promise and fail to deliver.
    + ignore what the public wants.
    + promise to cure all your problems.
    + blame all problems on the other half.
    + obfuscate when asked pointed questions.
    + sell themselves to lobbyists.
    + scream for campaign reform when ‘out of power’.
    + obstruct the formation of any 3rd-party and resist its participation in campaign activities (e.g., televised debates).
    + prevent any individual really worthy of the Presidency from receiving their ‘party’ nomination

  2. What pisses me off is the fact that they can take any group of people and brand it so that it becomes left vs right again. And of course its equally annoying to watch everyone always fall for it, and blame it on each other.


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