We Didn’t Ask Obama; He Didn’t Tell

We Didn’t Ask Obama; He Didn’t Tell

by Jim Hoover

We made a mistake. We elected Barack Obama in 2008.

I want Bernie Sanders of Vermont to run as an independent. His choice and their single-payer health care system choice shows there are smart people in Vermont. We should have supported Hillary over Obama. Can you believe that I thought she would be too business friendly and voted for Obama in the California primary and the general election. What a stooge I was, not checking his record in Illinois, or his penchant for bending like a pretzel to compromise.

I was so eager to rid America of the plague that was George W. Bush, and I bought Obama’s rhetoric. What a fool I was.

I want someone with backbone, someone who won’t be bullied, someone who is our champion, not the champion of those with power and money. I want someone with empathy, intelligence and guts. I won’t be fooled anymore by what Obama says, acting like a friend of the people. He did that routine during his campaign, and I have never been so bitterly disappointed.

I don’t want a namby-pamby like Obama anymore. Every time he negotiates, I cringe, expecting him to somehow give away my possessions to Republicans or the rich – same thing.

I’m tired of the middle class being bullied by conservative Republicans, and our turning the other cheek so they can smack us on the other side. I’m tired of spineless people representing our interests, and yes, that included too many Democrats before people threw them out.

I am tired of the people reacting like unthinking animals, angrily voting for any change every time Republicans take our lunch, which is almost every day now, not considering which choice is far worse — or even demanding other choices. We have some 80 radical ideologues in the House majority because the voters were angry, extreme right-wingers who think economic Armageddon is a cure for big spending somewhat like Marcus Bachmann’s program of hitting gays in the chops with religion for a cure.

Look at the mess we are in now because people were angry with unemployment and the recession caused by Bush and Wall Street. I’ll have to include Bill Clinton in that one though. He deregulated Wall Street in 1999.

Obama is a closet Republican. We didn’t really ask, and he didn’t tell (DADT).

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