Vaccines and my Surprise

Vaccines and my Surprise

By: Penelope a.k.a. Hippie Liberal Momma

I have to admit, I am surprised with all the so called “radical ideas” that I address – my vaccine posts attract the most opposition. Is it really that strange to think it’s a bad idea for me to listen to the government about how many vaccines we should be getting? Especially when they’re deep in the pocket of big pharm!? Most people believe that big corporations are evil, greedy bastards who would throw kids under a bus for a few bucks. Not one person has disagreed with me that doctors hand out over-charged pills like candy to whoever wants and can afford them, even if you don’t need them. Add on to that the lists of known illness and causes of death that are listed as side effects on the vaccine. Then, mix in that the government has made it to where you can’t sue them when they kill people. Seriously, no matter how grossly negligent they are, no matter how many people they kill, they cannot be sued. How can anyone be ok with that?

So to review; Pharm companies get ass loads of guaranteed revenue from mandatory vaccines with NO liability.
Just reading the ingredients is very troubling. I go out of my way to give my kids healthy non-GMO foods, fresh air, sunshine… only to go to the doctor and have them pumped full of heavy metals, chemicals, and live viruses??

I’m not anti-vaccine. I give my kids vaccines. I’m anti-blindly following the Government’s advice. Just because they’re crazy greedy doesn’t mean every part of what they’ve done is bad. But your baby doesn’t need a shot of heavy metals on it’s first day of life. Not all kids should get all the vaccines when the Pharm company says they should. I give my kids the vaccines that I think they should get, when I think they should get them. I read about the issues, I talk to people who know; Nurses, doctors, mothers, families. Why? Because this is an actual life or death issue and should be taken seriously!

People talk about how everyone should get vaccinated for herd immunity like we are a group of cows preparing for the slaughter. This is how the argument usually goes.

Them – Everyone needs to get vaccinated for herd immunity.

Me – Well vaccines have been shown to cause outbreaks from what they’re trying to prevent, and if they worked then why does everyone need to get them? You can get the vaccine, then you don’t have to worry about the other people.

Them – The vaccines don’t always work and what about the people who can’t get vaccines because they’re sick or too young?

Me – So other people are suppose to take a dangerous shot for ‘the team’ even though it might kill them? Obviously if sick people and babies aren’t suppose to get them they’re not that damn safe.

Them – You’re a stupid liar! All those studies are lies! Blah blah blah… [insert link to some study or man paid for by pharm company.]

It really blows my mind how people can be pro-choice and propose that a woman’s body is her own business, but your baby needs to be pumped full of dangerous material for my safety!? Science is good but all the studies that show vaccines are bad for you (the studies not done by the companies that make them) are stupid.

Oh well…. The reason people think climate change is real is because the scientists who are not bought (even some who are) are saying it is real. Then when all the scientists come out and say vaccines are dangerous and the studies are being bullied and forced to say they are not. People still blindly follow.

Edited Poul Thorsen, the principal coordinator of multiple studies funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) used to deny a vaccine/autism link was indicted on April 13th on 13 counts of fraud and 9 counts of money-laundering. The charges relate to funding for work he conducted for the CDC, which claimed to disprove associations between the mercury-based vaccine preservative, thimerosal, and increased rates of autism.

Update: The same people who brought you the junk science that said cigarettes weren’t unhealthy and did not cause cancer just bought a large chunk of a vaccine manufacture…
And why wouldn’t they?… since they’re now growing vaccines on tobacco plants. Even though you can’t use nicotine in the tobacco plants as insecticide anymore (although it kills the fuck out of bugs) because it’s too dangerous to people “Nicotine cannot be used on edible crops, due to the fact that it has the same toxicity symptoms as organophosphate insecticides. Nicotine poisoning symptoms include: vomiting, nausea, headaches, difficulty breathing, stomach pains, and seizures.”

They can buy all the studies they want. Now that they have more power than God they can start marketing to kids again and making their product more addictive. All for the bargain price of $290,000. Fantastic!

In addition, here is a great video by “Dr. Kenneth Stoller, MD was trained as a pediatrician at UCLA and was a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics for two decades. In 2008 he resigned from the AAP after realizing that the AAP has known that mercury in vaccines can cause Autism and other neurological damage, yet the organization has refused to make a determined effort to have mercury (in thimerosal) removed from all vaccines. And in fact, has instead engaged in a cover-up to protect the interests of the vaccine makers and pharmaceutical empires.

He does still run a practice like most doctors.

Also, I found out that the vaccine court that the government runs, because you can’t sue vaccine companies, paid out 2 billion dollars to the victims of catastrophic injury from vaccines. This 2 billion dollars comes from tax dollars. The taxes on vaccines go to pay the victims of the vaccines. Vaccine manufactures keep all the profit. There is an ass load of profit.

On top of all this, countries that give more vaccines have higher infant mortality rates.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Don’t believe the government, but listen to the science. No link has been proven between vaccines and autism, none. Only one of the people who even signed off on that junk-science study has not recanted. We should not be mandated to get vaccines, but it is a good idea. Whooping cough, mumps, measles et al, KILL those with weaker immune systems (like children who no longer have the benefit of mothers antibodies, prenatal or breast milk – early breast milk – based). Vaccines are great, we no longer have to worry about small-pox, polio is almost a thing of the past, and common diseases that raise mortality rates among young children are kept in check. Listen to your doctor, and look at more than just the anti-vaccine studies then make an informed decision. Big Pharma only makes a killing on vaccinations because our health system is so skewed. Between government interference, insurance companies pay schemes and other shenanigans we pay more for medical care than we need too. (Co-pays hide the real cost, which is borne by tax payers and a barrage of needless tests…the needless tests don’t apply here though).

  2. If you don’t like science or government there’s a place for you in the Republican party.

    “countries that give more vaccines have higher infant mortality rates”

    Are you being serious?

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