Trump’s Lawlessness & Disorder

Trump’s Lawlessness & Disorder

As most of us know, we have a deceitful, dangerous man in the White House. Again, and again, he has proven he will do anything for his re-election. Prior to his impeachment, his lawlessness and impeachable offenses mounted. Finally, his extortion of help from the Ukraine government in smearing Joe Biden forced the Democratic House to impeach. The Republican Senate’s acquittal removed all accountability for Trump and assured that he would do even worse.

The current pandemic situation for such a pathetically ruthless man only made matters even more clear that he is entirely corrupt, lawless, and relentless in sacrificing lives, livelihood, and our democracy to keep his power and to satisfy his ego. His nearly three and one-half years in office have been filled with chaos, manufactured division, lawlessness, and deception that are unparalleled for the presidency.

In spite of this, and supported by the 24/7 propaganda behind him, emanating from sources like Fox News, he has enough support from his base for some 40% approval. The total enablement of the Republican Party has broken down vital checks on his power.

After many incidents of domestic terrorism during his presidency, Trump’s fomentation of racism and division, caught up with him with the strangling murder of a handcuffed and unarmed, George Floyd, by police officers in Minneapolis. Peaceful demonstrations followed nationwide.

Seeing his re-election chances diminishing with over 100,000 dead in his botched reaction to the pandemic, and now facing racism among Minneapolis police, Trump went back to his law and order claim, regarding the rioting in several cities among peaceful protestors. This week, he held a conference call with the nation’s governors, urging them to seek “retribution” against rioters he characterized as “scum” and “terrorists.” “You have to dominate or you’ll look like a bunch of jerks.” He told them.

In several incidents and reports, it is clear outsiders are emerging among peaceful protestors, not part of “Black Lives Matter” organized groups. Minneapolis law enforcement officials report cars with darkened windows and no license stickers were encountered at night, from which many fled in masks. Guns were discovered in the cars by police.

In broad daylight, outsider white individuals (with masks to conceal) encountered a spokesman for the protestors, using a bullhorn to block his speech in front of a TV reporter.

The Washington Post estimated that at least 80% of the rioters were outsiders, many attributing the actions to white supremacist groups. Through social media, white supremacist groups openly solicit for armed members to descend upon the peaceful protestors in all cities and disrupt and discredit them. Of course, Trump has supported such efforts in Michigan and elsewhere, so it is no stretch to expect his support of such chaos and violence. He has done it steadily throughout his campaign and his presidency.

Monday morning, two close Trump allies in Congress made remarks on Twitter shortly after a Trump twitter threat to designate huge swaths of Americans as “terrorists.” Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) suggested that authorities hunt down and kill Americans “like we do in the Middle East” (even twitter took action).

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) asked Trump to use the Insurrection Act (1807) to deploy military forces across the US and said the military should give “no quarter for insurrectionist, anarchists, rioters, and looters,” which of course suggests killing people without taking prisoners. In case Cotton is too stupid to know, “No Quarter” has always meant mass execution. (Confederate soldiers in Civil War and combatants everywhere)

In case you think that Trump is acting alone in his lawless fury, check out allies such as this, and also note the silence of Republicans in Congress, the latest when he had his troops savagely push aside (tear gas, rubber bullets and a tree-top-flying military helicopter) peaceful protestors so that he could do a photo op, holding a Bible upside down in front of  St. John’s Episcopal Church.

If Republicans ever read the Constitution, the first definition of “Treason against the United States” is “levying war against them (the people).” But he hasn’t directly killed anyone on Fifth Avenue in New York.

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