Trump Running to Avoid Prison

Trump Running to Avoid Prison

An aggressive masculinity, one repressive toward women, has always been imbedded in America’s culture, from its Anglo-Saxon puritanical beginnings to the now hostile sexism of the Trump-Vance political ticket.

In our more modern world, the drumbeat of sexism and the hum of male-dominance has been drilled into commerce & entertainment since even before our intercontinental railroads, and daily intensified in our overwhelmed-with-profit modern media.

But the entrance of Donald Trump on the political scene put the attitude of male chauvinism on steroids. His campaigns are built on male dominance and manifested in his own personal misogyny. He especially used it as male voter appeal in whatever way it could be exploited, thus his open worship of “strong men” in politics to sporting Trump superman images.

He naturally fit into Republican political culture which broadcast the partisan, reckless, ruthless, mendacious, and aggressive.

With the entrance of Kamala Harris in the presidential race, aggressive sexism and an almost palpable and a bullying, coaching violence have purposefully expanded. An insecure, deceitful Trump also used it for his own disturbed self-assurance.

But now, Trump strategists prompt it for Trump players to the point of creepiness. Tucker Carlson, easily identified as bordering on traitorous in promoting American enemy, Putin, frames Trump as America’s abusive dad, coming home spankingly-pissed at his outspoken teen daughter.

It is a disturbing image for a convicted rapist and friend of a child abuser, Jeffrey Epstein. In response to Tucker’s message meant to appeal to hostile sexism, the male audience, chants Daddy Don.

Trump’s first term minority-popular-vote presidency was an abject failure, aside from shoveling more tax cuts to billionaires. He prostrated himself to dictators like Viktor Orban and Vladimir Putin, making America appear errant and laughable. Domestically, his slapdash, conspiratorial response to COVID doomed thousands to suffering and death, and he tried to instigate a coup to stay in power after he lost reelection.

For all this, he was rescued by MAGA Republicans from conviction for a second impeachment.

So here we are ten days from the election, considering a convicted rapist and felon, and a traitorous insurrectionist a viable candidate, a candidate who promised to be a full-on fascist leader.

All this, thanks to an extremely faulty democracy, unbridled for-profit media like Fox Spews and a social media supposedly bought by billionaire, Elon Musk to promote the candidacy of a man he surely knows will attempt to kill our democracy and bring our economy down to its knees based on announced policy.

And top that off with a MAGA-loyal radical SCOTUS6 saying he is immune from prosecution for official criminal duties, three appointed by Trump, the president with a popular vote deficit of almost 3 million votes.

Whatever the outcome, Donald Trump, represents a traitorous, unfit, and illegitimate president, certainly in the annals of American history & in the view of well over 200 million Americans.

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