Tortured & Murdered with no Justification; Jason Dale Bolton

Tortured & Murdered with no Justification; Jason Dale Bolton

By: Hank Dulap

Jason Dale Bolton was only 16 years old when four assailants brutally tortured and murdered him in front of a group of witnesses that, because of the ‘bystander effect’ and diffusion of responsibility, neither helped nor testified against the men responsible.

To this day, Bolton’s assailants walk free without serving a day in jail for his murder. Perhaps even more gruesome than the fact that an innocent kid was killed are the details of his attack. While at a party, Jason Bolton was assaulted by four men who then proceeded to castrate him in front of a crowd of people who were likely too afraid to speak out. While being castrated and restrained, Bolton’s loss of blood caused him to pass out, leaving many to believe that he had already died, but that was not the case.

While still alive, though passed out, Bolton’s assailants proceeded to cover up their gruesome assault by running over Bolton’s body and thus ending his life at the young age of 16. Police arrived and took statements from multiple witnesses, including the four assailants responsible for Bolton’s death. Despite the coroner’s report suggesting that Bolton’s death was more foul than just a hit-and-run, police believed the four men responsible when they stated Bolton was lying in the middle of the street, drunk.

Family members believe that one of the four assailants responsible was a family member of a police officer. But whether that’s true or not, it still remains that the police did not do all that they could have done to solve Bolton’s murder.

Instead, the case went cold for 21 years, and is still unsolved as you are reading this. But to ensure that nothing like this ever happens again and that Jason Bolton’s killers are brought to justice this story needs to not be swept under the rug like it has been for these past two decades. Unlike other cold cases, the murder of Jason Bolton has witnesses who live in a small Indiana town who more than likely recognize and know the names of the killers. So it still isn’t too late for them to be brought to justice.

Please take a few seconds out of your day by visiting the website, Justice for Jason, to learn more about Jason Dale Bolton and how you could potentially help.

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. I’m a Close Friend to Jason’s Sister. I have seen The Autopsy Report, Pictures, Police Reports etc. She is a dedicated Woman for Jason’s Justice. She has been through it all to try to get the LE to do the right thing to get these sicko’s, with no help from The Government Community. WHY!? To busy with lining their pockets with Tax Payers money? I think!

    A Little History about where I come from as well as other Cases across This so called Great State of Indiana:

    you see My Step Daughter was murdered in the same fashion “so to speak” as Jason was:

    From 2002 to The present…that Journal was made for The Community to come together as to keep in touch and try to figure out who killed Her. As you will see, corruption, hatred towards Our Family, misleading people going into LE with false reports etc. The Prosecutor took a BC case to court and lost. If HE would have used the facts of Her Murder, He could have put the REAL KILLERS where they belong. It’s been 9 yrs for Us and still seeking Justice for Tabi’s Son, he was 5 months old when this happened.

    I will close this reply with this: “The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” -Albert Einstein

  2. I am a Canadian and if this had happened here people would be protesting in front of our Government Buildings in our capital Ottawa until Justice was done.I only read about Jason today and have signed the petition and shared it on Facebook and will continue to bring his story to Canadians. These torturers and monsters need to be brought to justice. Have you contacted John Walsh of Cold Cases? He fights to bring justice to children and has a huge success rate. Even Dr. Phil has been instrumental is solving …or at least getting murder cases reopened. Please keep in touch…I have nothing but disdain for so-called American Justice if this case is not reopened. Best regards, Cathy

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