Time to Apply Open Scientific Study to UFOs

Time to Apply Open Scientific Study to UFOs

When UFOs are observed, media coverage is based on what will draw public interest, often citing stories they can sell with snide remarks or prompts for comic attention. News chiefs fear opening themselves to ridicule or inviting mockery or derision. Such a policy has been guided by past experience, the treatment given to the thousands of past observations by news sources or by government action/inaction.

If we ever began to treat them scientifically and logically, we could start to absorb revealing details: how they move, their speed, and peculiarities like silent operation, means of propulsion, any aggressive intent, or severe maneuvers, for example.

And, oh yes, their occupants – if there are any in human-like form – do not seem to want to stop and chat. In over 13,000 reported sightings, just in modern times, little, except evasive actions and a few stories of kidnapping, would ascribe evil intention to their presence.

J. Allen Hynek, back in 1972, an astronomer and UFO researcher, did deal with unidentified flying objects (UFO) scientifically. He adopted terminology and a system of classification behind it called close encounters. To lend it credibility, his system intended to eliminate known phenomena, by specifying only close encounters within 500 feet.

UFO reports with radar confirmation offered harder evidence that the objects were real, but were discarded if atmospheric propagation anomalies were noted. Close encounters of the first kind (CE1) are visual sightings less than 500 feet that show an appreciable angular extension and considerable detail. Encounters that show a physical effect like scorched earth, cause a loss of mechanical function, animals reacting, or heat, for example, are the second kind (CE2), and the presence of an animated entity like humanoids, robots, and observed UFO pilots were deemed the third kind (CE3).

Still most countries faltered in engaging such techniques and taking UFO reports seriously.

What made most observations incredible was the impossible level of performance or technology detected. It involved feats that our own science could not achieve, supposedly not within thousands of years.

In many countries, including the US, it defied oft-taught superiority, and, for a government that spends trillions of taxpayer dollars for defense, the humiliation of disclosing this truth. Such incredible observations had to be denied. And, of course, there was the wayward panic of multiple sightings to consider.

A few observers could be maneuvered by government with equally incredible explanations of swamp gas, weather balloons or flares fired by the Air National Guard – all – varied for the occasion — military/government explanations for past sightings.

After decades of such denials, the government grudgingly admitted there were no practical explanations, stopping short of labeling them extraterrestrial, this after the frenzy of the 2011 Phoenix Lights and any number of prolonged sightings of multiple objects were past – episodes they thought would cause panic at the time.

If scientific study had consistently been applied regarding their presence and performance, most likely the realm of science least understood by our type 0 civilization (Kardashev scale), the quantum world, could be further revealed in light of these UFO performance details and advanced.

We live in a deterministic world of visible objects. UFOs challenge this visible spectrum. They do not fit into this world. They lie beyond our understanding. Though fleetingly seen as objects, UFO often mimic the quantum world, seeming to fluctuate between particles or waves. Their world seems unreal from our perspective.

Our focus is still in the classical world with seemingly primitive excursions in the quantum. UFO secrets appear to lie in the quantum, the subatomic world from which the classical is built. After all, matter is fundamentally quantum. Molecules – any collection of them — cannot be assembled under the rules of classical physics.

Three physicists, Alain Aspect, John Clauser and Anton Zeilinger won the Nobel Prize in 2022 showing that the predictions of quantum mechanics were true, two particles behave like a single unit even when they are separated, through quantum entanglement, evidence against local hidden-variable theories.

The quantum might be able to explain the speed, displacement, and maneuverability of UFOs. It distinctly lies in this deficiency of knowledge. They might have the ability to build these UFOs, somehow assembling the subatomic particles in our Standard Model plus the particles and the forces that we have not yet identified.

The extraterrestrials can most likely explain the giant holes in our understanding of what we call Dark Energy and Dark Matter. Then too, what might explain the appearance or actuality of uncanny speeds reached by them, the apparent ability to travel countless light years to reach us, perhaps even the ability to, in effect, travel beyond the speed of light.

If these visitors are of a type 3 or 4 civilizations, millions, perhaps a billion years ahead of us, under the Kardashev scale, they could most likely use what we understand to be quantum entanglement to render themselves in another location, perhaps millions or billions of light years away, almost like a cosmic GPS-guided transport, somehow manipulating, maybe even reformulating the untold trillions of subatomic particles that make up their bodies and their spaceships. Delocalize and re-assemble in split seconds – the stuff of science fiction for us, a type 0 civilization.

Such a UFO vehicle would not seem to disappear in a burst of speed when our military jets pursue it or shoot at it but instantaneously transport from a pre-guided spot to another as a recomposed quantum entangled gathering of a trillion, trillion, trillion particles.

Our budding knowledge of exoplanets and our speculation of which might be occupied by advanced beings is still rather limited. We speculate that the more plentiful M-Stars might host such an advanced civilization due to the long-lived status of such stars, beyond a trillion years. We are just now mindful of the possibility of the habitability of moons of such stars, but can’t imagine terra-engineering skills of such people, who most likely possess more novel skills of making planets habitable.

It is speculated that governments, especially the US have reverse-engineering programs utilizing downed UFOs over the last 8 decades. If any of this speculation is true, that reverse engineering program probably requires perhaps a million more years of scientific knowledge and understanding to apply to the task.

The ancients called them star people and carved a primitive likeness in rocks as arriving in chariots from above. Just thirty years ago, the Arizona governor, Fife Symington, too intimidated to admit extraterrestrial visitations during the so-called “Phoenix Lights” sightings, trotted out an aide dressed as an alien to spoof the frenzy caused by several nights of mysterious lights in the Phoenix sky.

I wonder if we can now discard such buffoonery and finally admit that we are not alone and that our technology is primitive next to many advanced civilizations in the universe, maybe actually openly invite communication. After all, such advanced beings have to be put off by the treatment we give their appearances, both them and their emissaries.

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