This is Where We Take Our Stand; PBS Broadcast

This is Where We Take Our Stand; PBS Broadcast

Dear Friends,

I have good news and bad news.

The good news: is that This is Where We Take Our Stand, a film about the Iraq Veterans Against the War Winter Soldier/Iraq & Afghanistan Investigation, has now been distributed to every PBS station in the country for broadcast in January and February. Funded by the Independent Television Service (ITVS) and distributed by the National Educational Television Association (NETA), the film finally has the chance to be seen by people all across the country.

The bad news: is that every individual PBS station can choose whether or not they will air the film. And in today’s political climate, we know that many, even most stations will not want to touch this compelling, vital film about the reality of America’s wars in the Middle East. We need your help to convince them that they must show this film.

THIS IS AN URGENT SITUATION. Over the next two weeks, PBS stations will be setting their programming for January. Call and email your local station and urge them to broadcast This is Where We Take Our Stand and allow these veterans’ voices to be heard.

Also, please share this post to your network and to everyone you know…

As we wrote in a letter to PBS programmers:

These aren’t political or theoretical arguments, but the eyewitness accounts of men and women who thought they were fighting for their country and learned that, as Jason Washburn, a Marine veteran with three tours in Iraq put it, “We were on the bully’s team, and that’s not what I signed up for.” It is a wrenching, painful, and necessary story.

This film reminds us that nothing is over. And it asks us to question what has changed. Certainly not the war in Afghanistan, which has expanded in the past three years, and not the killing and misery in Iraq, unleashed by eight years of military occupation.

This is Where We Take Our Stand is the story of hundreds of Iraq War veterans who risked everything to publicly tell their stories of killings of civilians, torture, and the widespread degradation and destruction of Iraq that was brought on by the policies of their government. And it is a story that needs to be told especially today. These brave soldiers and veterans are challenging a complacency that runs very deep underscoring a willingness to accept unspeakable horrors committed in our name…as long as we don’t know about them.

Click here —> to watch episodes of the web series that the film is based on, and here —-> for information about Winter Soldier.

Thank you for your help. In the coming weeks we will send out announcements of where and when This is Where We Take Our Stand will be broadcast.

David Zeiger and Bestor Cram

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