The Truth About Marijuana

The Truth About Marijuana

By: Sean May

I wrote this article to discuss what many people have been misinformed about. I intend this to bring up a bunch of subjects and interesting debates for good conversation and not the typical “MAKE IT LEGAL!” stoner rambling. It seems pretty clear when you have all the facts in front of you that it shouldn’t be illegal, even for the infinite uses that have nothing to do with getting high/stoned.  And if you have anything to add, please feel free, I want to hear what you have to say.

SOCIETY AND MEDIA – have been utilized to make marijuana use/growing a totally taboo idea by the use of incalculable incorrect and misleading statements and biased, incomplete, edited and/or altered medical studies.

In one study, they killed a monkey by administering thousands of times the normal dose of marijuana smoke and considered it proof of marijuana being harmful. That much carbon monoxide alone from the smoke itself would of course be deadly, and thus had absolutely nothing to do with marijuana consumption. The same effect, perhaps even worse, would come about if they had used cigarette smoke, which essentially denotes the fact that rather than being a scientific experiment it was more so a means of propaganda with undertones (very, very slight undertones) of scientific inquiry.

The government has said all kinds of mendacious things about marijuana to persuade society into thinking it a good idea to be illegal. One thing that’s been said is that marijuana could make men grow breasts. I think we all know that that is pretty bogus. They say that using pot makes you unproductive and go nowhere in life, even impotent—in all applications of the word. Wink. Wink. But the most successful and healthy people I know almost all smoke, or are just good at hiding it. I think that marijuana itself, not necessarily smoking it, but in food and oils is one of the healthiest things you can have. It strengthens your immune system and much more, I will describe more details below. If marijuana is not good for us and we are not supposed to use it, then why do we naturally have cannabis receptors in our brain which respond to marijuana? Why then are we genetically created to intake marijuana? 


    When all the TRUE data is looked at, it really seems to any intelligent person, that the primary reason for the illegality of marijuana is pecuniary. We are told that it’s illegal because it’s harmful and yet cigarettes are known to kill people every day and yet are still sold at every corner drugstore, while there is not one documented case of someone dying from smoking marijuana itself. Some people are still letting themselves be fooled into believing the government because they think that they care about your health. In fact, there is more profit in your death in many cases.

Did you know that the penalties of growing tobacco are much more severe than marijuana? Sounds like a money driven situation to me. For example, the government is currently prescribing marijuana in a pill form and calling it “marinole”. It is prescribed to many middle-aged women as a substitute for valium and similar addicting drugs like Xanax. It’s being sold in a controlled way, the only way that anyone can monopolize the sale of marijuana. Keeping it illegal so they can be the only one to sell it legally. It was used for all kinds of things. Tons of it was used to make rope for ships, and it made very great fiber for clothes and paper. The Declaration of Independence was drafted on hemp paper. All of this exemplifies how much the government is in bed with marijuana and how beneficial it is for them to continually regulate the production and distribution of it.

 Not only not is the government making money on the sale of marijuana, but there’s a huge sale decrease of other products that are sold such as cigarettes, prescription drugs (many of which are highly addictive and cause SEVERE mental and physical withdrawal, and can even cause death as is the case with many benzos such as Xanax which are generally prescribed to treat anxiety and depression). Yet you will go to jail for smoking a joint in many states. There is, in fact, a precedence to suggest that many of these people addicted to these addictive, harmful and family deteriorating drugs would never use them if marijuana was legal. Does it make sense to you to take something that causes mood swings, short temper, and even MORE anxiety when you are not using it? Health problems, like very severe withdrawals, can cause death and severe chemical dependency, and lead to family problems and in many cases total destruction.

Where marijuana is legal or decriminalized, the areas have prospered financially (Humbolt County, CA for example). The only real problems seem to be from entrepreneurs being raided by feds. Marijuana is one of the most useful resources on the planet and requires no harmful pesticides! It makes better, softer, longer lasting clothing, and fuel (a REVOLUTIONARY factor! TALK ABOUT GOIN’ GREEN!) that burns much cleaner than gasoline. Marijuana yields 4 times per acre what cotton does with none of the harmful chemicals, as well as enriches the nutrients in the soil unlike cotton, which sucks all of the nutrients out of the land because of the root systems.


Jamaicans are known to cook chicken with marijuana and TONS of other things. Through examining the Jamaicans’ culture, it is documented that THERE ARE NO KNOWN HEALTH RISKS in the consumption of marijuana aside from anxiety and increased heart rate after consuming more than the individual is used to. Most of this paranoia is due to fear of overdosing in people who do not know anything about marijuana other than it is illegal and supposedly bad for you—a symptom of poor education, rather than fact. In fact, the seeds contain oil that is EXTREMELY GOOD FOR US. It has a very high level of essential amino acids and oils. It is similar to peanuts, but far more nutritious. The oils in marijuana seeds are more nutritious than breast milk. There still needs to be more research in fully tapping into the positive resource of marijuana—something that will not happen until its legalized.

In fact, the only things we know for sure are actually health BENIFITS (improves skin, healthier hair, increased immune system). Believe it or not, but many people experience relief of asthma symptoms from smoking marijuana. Sounds off to me that to smoke something would actually help with asthma but some people swear by it (me being one of them).


For the sake of being nonbiased as possible despite the obvious MIS-information to the public, I have to add any “negative side effects” (if I miss any, or you have something to add, PLEASE DO SO. I am totally open for new ideas and productive debate).

 For one thing, overall, when you are “high” most people are not very “physically” motivated. This is where all the “your going to become a lazy, fat deadbeat” arguments stem from. I personally think that even if you experience less physical energy, your mind and imagination thrive. I think it is great for relaxation, meditation, thought/philosophy-driven conversations and much more. Of course everything should be used in moderation. Anyone can lay around and smoke pot all day and do nothing, but I don’t think that means pot will make you lazy and that you’ll get nothing done if you smoke a joint here and there or on your off time. Like drinking too much, or abusing pills, caffeine, or any other substance (even water), there’s always a certain line that’s unhealthy to cross—perhaps not physically, all the time, but certainly mentally.

I don’t think that there is anything wrong with the occasional use of marijuana other than it being illegal. Maybe that will change soon and more states will decriminalize it and hopefully legalize it. But I think for it to be fully legalized anytime soon is just wishful thinking. But until then people will just have to deal with the paranoid days of worrying if a cop is in the rearview. Or just not smoke pot.

For a list of facts prepared by the North American Industrial Hemp Council, October 1997 go to: <>.

I hope this article proves interesting. This is one of the most discussed topics and heated debates out there.


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This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. What a wonderful article. You sure open my eyes about a few things. I totally agree with this article. I am not a smoker but I think that it should be legal. Great article.

  2. Cannabis, Aunt Mary, Refer, Bud, Chronic, Indo, Ganja, Eww-wee, pot or whatever is your name for it has a big uphill climb to legality. In my humble opinion, the reason why it’s still illegal is because first the alcohol lobby is/was too strong and now the pharmaceutical lobby is too strong.

    I was just having this conversation. Could you imagine the prescription commercial for marijuana? Side effects: laughing, a propensity to think deeply, a strong desire to eat. Nothing like anal leakage. Haha!

    Great article!

  3. Nice. Good, informative article. Be sure to check out the ‘list of facts’ link too at the end of the article. Good stuff!

  4. I basically agree with your premise Sean. A few things I’d like to mention. I think you should distinguish between marijuana and hemp. Hemp has many uses but you cannot get high on hemp. I certainly agree that the suppression of hemp growing is a money issue period.

    To slightly contend on one point, I think marijuana use can be harmful to health. Certainly in moderation
    the body can recover but there’s no free lunch and I think MJ can be harmful to the brain especially in
    chronic users and we all know any smoke inhaled into the lungs causes great damage. The brain thing is my opinion. Perhaps due to my own leaky brain…

    We definitely need more good science here. Naturally you’re right that cigarettes and alcohol can and do cause serious physical and societal harm but also lots of fun too right?, especially alcohol. As for MJ, I wouldn’t recommend operating heavy machinery or really doing anything constructive when under the influence. It does mess up your ability to do routine things and can be dangerous. Um, is this declaration based on personal experience?, uh, hmmm, don’t
    look Mom but yes I admit that it is. I no longer indulge but I like the David Letterman quote “I smoked enough pot to kill an elephant”. Obviously absurd but the point is well taken. I myself was once in this Letterman category.

    Anyway, as you mention, moderation is the key in just about everything in life and MJ & Hemp certainly have many positive uses. You mention gov’t control but what confuses me is why wouldn’t they want to get a piece of a multi-million dollar underground market? If they made it legal and controlled it, we could wipe out the deficit in no time. I expect the conspiracy theorists to have something to say here.

    Good points in your article and something I and hopefully others will try to bring to light is the effects of MJ use and why so many people enjoy it. I’ve tried in fiction to dramatize these effects but I’m not sure I did a very good job. I want to perhaps discuss this further later.

    You’re right that this is a good topic and one for which much discussion is warranted………………….

  5. I think the only noticable thing with smoking is that a persons reaction time is a bit slower – so if you’re driving down the road at 60 mph and a deer runs out in front of you – you may not react quite as quickly as if when you weren’t stoned. If you’re drunk – forget it, you don’t have a fkn chance. But, let’s say you’ve been smoking and you get pulled over by the police – quickly most people can be scared straight or at least straighten up to act normal enough for the officer not to know. But, again, if you’re drunk, you’re falling out of your car, slurred speech – basically doomed for nice ride to the county jail.
    Sure, smoking isn’t good for the brain or short term memory – but really, no worse health wise than say – diet soda, chewing tobacco or cigarettes. Smoking should be legal, if you’re doing it in the privacy of your own home – where the only harm being done, if any, is to yourself.

  6. Super interesting article! If we’re going to ban substances under the reasoning that it’s bad for you, SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN THE LEGALITY OF APPLEBEE’S.

  7. Very funny comment worstginaver………I once had a miserable job in Columbus Georgia and the only restaurant nearby was Applebee’s……….it was an abomination to say the least……….I laughed wholeheartedly when I read your post and concur completely………..if the government had any concern about our welfare all Applebee’s would be immediately shut down……………………

  8. It was time somebaddy tell the truth about Cannabis it is time to legalize it and legalize all the drugs plant it is a gift from Gud

  9. Great article! Glad people are making a point to get the actual facts about Cannabis and Hemp to the masses. @ EinsteinLite- I think you are still believing some of the old time propaganda out there. Studies have shown light to moderate marijuana smoking is actually beneficial to the lungs and does NOT cause cancer
    And if you are still not a believer you can always use a vaporizer or use oils or eat edibles.
    As for marijuana killing brain cells, that was debunked when it was discovered how the scientists killed those brain cells. As for government control, there is no good way to control Cannabis if it is legalized. It is far too easy to grow. The lobbyist from Big Pharma and Big Tobacco and Big Alcohol spend sooooooooo much money on buying politicians and votes. And soooooo much money is given to the corrupt private prison system and to law enforcement for the war on drugs that legalizing it would dry up all of that money.

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