The Koch Control & Misinformation Network?

The Koch Control & Misinformation Network?


Misinformation, even outright lying, seems to be becoming a way of life in almost all of our media. It saturates our lives everywhere – TV, internet, billboards, buses, skywriting, even foreign websites like Asia Times spread misinformation through ads. A few million dollars for the Koch brothers is like pennies to the rest of us. We wouldn’t stop to pick it up off  the curb.  

It is direct deception or lying by news reporters or news anchors or it is advertised lies by groups like Americans for Prosperity – the latter paid for by the Koch brothers, oil moguls and inheritors of billions of dollars.

Like a cancer it spreads from Fox, the New York Post, talk radio, and right-wing internet sources to CNN, CBS and other so-called  mainstream  sources. I don’t watch CNN, but I rediscovered — on Jon Stewart — why I don’t like Wolf Blizter’s reporting about the CBO Report: “Explosive Congressional Report.” The latest source of misinformation is the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report that included the budget impact of the AFA (“Obamacare”) ACA Misinformation. That many Americans would choose to work less because Obamacare guarantees health care coverage without full time employment was morphed in Blizter’s headline statement and a cacophony of numerous Fox talking heads and assorted vocal pimps of pile-on. Suddenly on Fox and other right-wing feeds, it becomes: “Millions will lose their jobs because of Obamacare.”

Formerly, my disappointment with CBS came with Sixty Minutes several weeks ago when Laura Logan falsely reported on Benghazi, something the GOP and Fox has been doing for over a year.

This reporting is not a one-time thing. It occurs everyday ad  nauseum: With anecdotes from Gabriel Sherman’s Ailes biography, The Loudest Voice in the Room, I can visualize Roger Ailes strategy meeting with his troops at Fox each and every morning, “Let’s see how we can distort yesterday’s event happenings today with unified talking points?” Ailes knows that oft-repeated lies become the truth. But seriously, this mogul of communication actually believes a lot of the anti-science, anti-clean energy nonsense he puts on the air.

What is pathetic is the massiveness of the combined effort and its effect on America’s decision making. We often buy products based on misinformation, but never have we voted so much against ourselves because of it. We have always had lies in commercials and in marketing goods, though government agencies used to be more protective of truth. What we haven’t had is the avalanche of lies associated with our political process.

The Koch brothers have spent millions, not only steering elections their way but also demonizing a health benefit for millions of non-insured Americans, the ACA or “Obamacare.”(Creepy Koch Ad). The “creepy ad” was sponsored by the Koch front group called Generation Opportunity, meant to creep out the young. The new ads are everywhere on TV, sponsored by Americans for Prosperity (AFP), another Koch front group, this misinformation directed at all groups.

David Plouffe, the architect of Obama’s 2008 victory, said  in Twitter, “Two brothers are attempting to purchase the US Senate. Voters and candidate are just mere chess pieces in this game of self interest.” Through AFP the Koch brothers have spent $27 million on attack ads since August of last year, many months before the midlterms, this compared to $2.75 million spent by Senate Majority Pak (SMP). The Democrats biggest Superpak, Priority USA will sit out the midterm election.

Can we survive the lies that saturate all a media venues, toxic to the senses: We hear them, and we see them. Perhaps smell and touch are next. The next issue of Murdock’s New York Post  might have an extremely rough surface for a front-page picture of Obama or perhaps a smell like sewer gas wafting from  it. Other pictures, like that of Senator Mitch McConnell will be smooth, though his jowls will be a visual problem, and maybe his picture will smell like a bur Oak in the Bluegrass.

Documents recovered  from a semi-annual Koch  strategy meeting revealed that more than 40 donors courted by the Kochs include hedge fund and private-equity billionaires, real estate tycoons, and executives of top corporations, including Jockey International and TRT Holdings, owner of Omni Hotels and Gold’s Gym, and John Schnatter, the founder of the Papa John’s pizza chain. The Koch Industries is closely intertwined with a $115 billion conglomerate[i].

With that much money behind the pursued purchase of a plutocratic legislative program, is it no wonder that the middle class and the poor are losing ground?

Just a few of the Koch conglomerate’s legislative desires explain the GOP blocking pattern now while the Kochs hope to purchase the Senate and then the Presidency:

1.     Balancing the budget and cutting government spending assures continuing tax breaks for the rich and lower safety net spending.

2.     Want the Keystone XL pipeline, against EPA with teeth, and denies climate change.

3.     Fund ALEC which pushes NRA agenda, weakening all unions, privatization of public functions, mostly at the state level.

4.     No real immigration reform.

5.     No minimum wage.

6.     School to prison pipeline subdues poor element and feeds private enterprise prisons.

The no-fail answer is to always vote Democrat. Republicans have shown you at all levels of government that they are exclusively for the rich. At least 90% (nonrich) of you should vote that way. To do otherwise is to open yourself and our country up to worse obstruction, then perhaps a complete corporate dictatorship.

Don’t get me wrong? Democrats have not been perfect, but when was the last time that a Republican voted for your benefit?

Discard their lying “campaign eyes” and the Koch AFP attack ads. Then answer truthfully.


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