The Bookie’s Daughter Free Kindle Ebook Dowloads for 24 hours only.

The Bookie’s Daughter Free Kindle Ebook Dowloads for 24 hours only.


FREE Kindle ebook downloads for taboojive readers!

For 48 hours only, taboojive readers can download Atlanta author Heather Abraham’s “The Bookie’s Daughter: A Memoir of Growing Up in a Crazy, Crime-Ridden Family” recently rated #1 on Amazon’s “Top Rated Memoir & Biographies of Criminals.” The Bookie’s Daughter is a wild ride through a childhood steeped in crime and populated by colorful and dangerous characters. Immerse yourself in Abraham’s zany and provocative memoir by clicking on the link to download your FREE copy


“I was a child of crime, not by choice but by birthright.”

This provocative and candid memoir has recently been rated #1 on Amazon’s “Top Rated Memoir & Biographies of Criminals. Spanning the first nineteen years of the author’s life, The Bookie’s Daughter is a calamity- packed musing that subtly resonates with elements of Sopranos and Running with Scissors—zany, violent, and oh-so-human.

Written by Heather Abraham, The Bookie’s Daughter is a wild ride through a childhood dominated by “Big Al,” her larger-than-life bookie father; “Bonnie,” her trigger-happy alcoholic mother; and the multitude of madcap crimes they carried out in order to fill the family coffers and finance her parent’s monstrous addictions.

The narrative is twistedly entertaining, with a range of colorful wacky characters, as well as shockingly raw in its recognition of the destructive nature of dysfunctional family dynamics. Throughout a series of outrageous, oftentimes violent, misadventures, Abraham manages to conjure up loony vistas, thick with description and humorous acceptance.

Abraham’s frank reflection also captures the 60’s and 70’s zeitgeist of a Western Pennsylvania industrial town teetering on the precipice of an economic bloodletting. A bloodletting that would compel the expansion of her family’s criminal enterprises and attract an ever-increasing array of sleazy crooks and psychotic predators.

Join The Bookie’s Daughter as she and her sister, Vanessa, transverse a childhood where gambling, police raids, trials, public scorn, spitting Studda Bubbas, hitmen, IRA gunrunners, pedophiles, bodyguards, and midnight ‘runs’ in pursuit of smuggled goods were considered routine.

Fully entrenched in the messy-seedy-criminal life of her parent’s making, The Bookie’s Daughter survives the madcap events of her formative years by escaping into books, murmuring her calming mantra, “they’re all fucking crazy, they’re all fucking crazy…,” and looking forward to a future opportunity to “go legit.”

Will she escape her criminal past and find a home in the legitimate world?

Find her Facebook page here —-> The Bookie’s Daughter

To read the attention-grabbing prologue visit —>

Teo Sagisman, SagisBooks Publishers, Inc.


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