Texas Freeze

Texas Freeze

The yellow rose of Texas has been frozen stiff,

And the noble residents desperately need a lift.

Four million lack power with the ERCOT grid,

Ninety percent of Texas under its pesky lid.


Wind power’s to blame, the untruly right does claim,

While rabid markets & deregulation’s a spiteful game.

East or West lectric, want no green-snob-elite ties,

Some’d rather freeze to death & breathe carb’n moxide.


Extreme weather events, while the Mitch House snored,

Pork-barrel politics in old Kentucky, Mitch scored.

Now the fresh Biden horse of a progressive hue,

Is pushing emission-free power with many green cues.


A century ago, we funded progress and beyond,

We laid power grid foundations — now GOP yawns

Polar heating comes faster than for mid-latitude climes,

Bringing south freezing & snowing, like polar mimes.


Yes, dumb like politicians, our power grid remains,

It shows no dynamics like a Republican reign.

Three days of blackout in Houston homes,

Has brought hasty quests to heat their bones.


Blackouts in the future will be a common scene,

until we put political hacks on permanent leave.

Hours in darkness will be weeks or more,

While additional booty, corruption will score.


Let’s power them down — self-service and greed,

We must vote for a future with an inclusive creed.

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