Teens Helping Teens

Teens Helping Teens

By: Crystal Dento

This is a story about three girls who want to make a difference and who not only want to help people become more aware of the consequences of the “bystander effect” but to also encourage teens and people to become more proactive, stand up and speak out against bullying in any form.

My daughter and two of her friends were sitting around one day talking about bullying and how it has led so many teens to commit bullicide. From this conversation Teens Helping Teens was born. I am going to tell my short story that led me to be the leader of these Three AMAZING girls, and also their stories that led them to start Teens Helping Teens.

My name is Crystal and I am 37 years old. Times were alot different when I was growing up. We always thought of it as “getting picked on.” We didn’t realize we were being bullied. My story goes to all of my 5th grade year and the summer between my 5th and 6th grade year . My best friends name was Rachel. All of our 5th grade year Rachel was “picked on,” other kids were always making fun of her and calling her names. She was epilectic and they used that against her as well. That summer we would go swimming at Yellow Banks. Rachel had to have a swim partner in case she had a seizure. One night I had gotten grounded and when she called me to be her swim partner, I had to tell her I couldn’t go. The next day she went swimming without a swim partner and had a major seizure (I always cry because if I hadn’t gotten grounded Rachel would still be here). Rachel died that day. I was in awe of the stunning events to come. All the kids who made her life a living hell were grieving just as hard as I was.

My 6th grade year there was a major turn around. There was no bullying that year; we were a grade united. It’s just sad that this change came about due to the death of my best friend.

The Girls…

Amber is 14 years old, and her story is from the point of view of both the bully and the bullied. Together we have learned that if you listen to a bullys story you will find that they were/are most likely bullied as well. Amber was bullied so bad and so much that she thought her only defense was to bully those weaker than she. She protected herself this way for years until one day she stood back and took a good hard look at herself and didn’t like what she saw. She made some major changes to her life. She joined Teens Helping Teens because she doesn’t want to see anyone bullying or getting bullied. She now wants to be instrumental stopping the cycle.

Alexis’ story is almost the same as Ambers. She was bullied for years and felt like bullying those who are weaker than she was her only defense. Alexis is 14 as well and recently had to deal with a bullicide in her family;  it really opened her eyes to the fact that bullying is wrong and she made some major changes. In November 2011, her cousin, Shay commited suicide after being bullied. She joined Teens Helping Teens because she NEVER wants to see anyone go through what Shay did.

And finally we have 13 year old Daria. Daria has never bullied anyone. For years she has been bullied and pushed around. She never lets the bullying get to her, however, she came home one day and said, “enough is enough, bullying has to end.” She joined Teens Helping Teens because she doesn’t want to be a bystander any more and witness anyone getting bullied.

Teens Helping Teens is all about giving the victims of bullying a voice. We are here to lend an ear and a helping hand to anyone who needs it. Teens Helping Teens wants everyone to know: YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!

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