George W. Bush: Bobbled, Busted and Convicted of War Crimes

Did you know that George W. Bush, even as he was preparing to hawk the opening of his Presidential Library in Dallas, Texas, was convicted of war crimes? Just a month after his conviction, ribbon cutting ceremonies opened his Presidential Center. There is beauty – architectural with “Freedom Hall,”…

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We’ve Been Gamed

With all this effort on the Democratic side and money on the Republican side, they still get the lying, smiling face of Scott Walker for maybe 3 or more years, the plutocratic hand-puppet.

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This is Where We Take Our Stand; PBS Broadcast

Dear Friends, I have good news and bad news. The good news: is that This is Where We Take Our Stand, a film about the Iraq Veterans Against the War Winter Soldier/Iraq & Afghanistan Investigation, has now been distributed to every PBS station in the country for broadcast in…

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Media Bias & bin Laden by Jim Hoover The above Youtube video connection documents George W. Bush’s total lack of interest in Osama bin Laden in 2006. Bush's statement five years ago is of particular interest in light of Barack Obama's success in ridding us of bin Laden. What I call “Fabrication Central”…

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